The Endless Explorers

We are the ones whom seek to reclaim what was lost, rediscover the world so cruelly taken from us. We take it upon our divine duty to map again the forgotten lands, our home so long ago, to do our part so that it will be again. To reclaim our lost cities, rebuild them, reconnect with our knowledge and treasures so unjustly snatched from us. Of course it would be fool-hardy and an absolute waste to not enjoy it all though. The roads, the tales, the mischief and the moonlit nights. We are the Endless Explorers, after all, it is us above all whom map the world we live in, who's tales plant the seeds of the knowledge that will soon grow in our great cities.

Excerpt from the holy text Explorer's Guide to Life the opening words.


Though there is something resembling a structure, as all nine faiths have, one will find that of the Endless Explorers unique when compared to the other churches. They are a church of a god of the roads after all, and a diety that inspires both knowledge and tall tales. A favored diety amongst entertainers, explorers, traveling merchants and others whom are quite transient by their profession and by their own desire. As such it should perhaps surprise no one that this faith operates its halls of worship more like the finest and yet most rambunctious of inns, dining halls, drinking lounges and bath-houses you could imagine. They are often impressively large structures, even for churches, but this is because the actual house of worship will likely only take up perhaps one sixth of the property itself. The rest will be a proper inn and tavern, perhaps an eatery, and a bathhouse, along with a notable outdoor performance area in larger cities.

Because of this transient nature of those whom would lay worship, and indeed of those whom would be caretakers of their houses of worship, the organizational structure of the faith of the Eternal Explorers is....fluid. Congregations don't really exist in a proper even semi-formal sense as most other faiths have them. You simply cannot predict whom will be at your local church on any given day. However, like all the faiths on Valerick, there is a structural divide between those of a more militant and 'mission' oriented focus, versus those of the cloth.

Order of the Stars:

The Templar Order of the Endless Explorers, this knightly order, though no longer dressing or being armed as knights of old, follows some of the behavior more than most others now. Wandering champions of their faith, questing 'knights' of a fashion, constantly seeking to involve themselves in any exploration of dangerous or forgotten lands, as befits their standing and holy mission. Sage Felix Alexander, a man of Mogol heritage leads them, and is in general seen as the most important person in the faith's organizational structure.

Cartographers of Fate:

The Cartographers of Fate, the name for those of the cloth within the faith, are so named for the ties of society's fate to navigation and cartography's history, even into the modern day. Those of the cloth are no less filled with wanderlust and no less inclined to seek out exploration and study, and will oft travel with their brethren of the Order of the Stars as map-makers and note-keepers. Grandmistress Cartographer Vil'kasira Til'wea, a Skye Elf, is the most notable and highest ranking individual within this side of the faith in this day and age.

Public Agenda

Followers of Feyheart are explorers and entertainers first and foremost, seeking to inspire others in society to take an interest in the strange and forgotten places with amazing discoveries and epic tales. They believe their divine mission is to help foster curiousity in regular people, to nurture the passion and desire to know, to explore frontiers, both geographic and otherwise. They are one of the religious orders in Valerick with less bias against magisters and the Magisterium, seeing the institution and its creation and subsequent continued existence as natural and even healthy. It is an exploration into things previously not explored. That is fundamentally correct and a healthy thing to the followers of the Eternal Traveller.


Temples to Feyheart can be found sprinkled all across the lands of Valerick, and many are the small shrines and such dedicated to him merely tucked away in the corner of inns and taverns across all the lands. However they are by far most numerous in the nation of Rohara, the land Feyheart himself is said to have been born to, the Ascended Champion of Rohara and all that. His worship is common, given his position as the god of travel, and so many will be his small shrines and chapels oft sprinkled all about smaller rural communities, especially those small crossroads type settlements along any decently busy trade routes.

Tenets of Faith

Those whom worship Feyheart will have a wide variety of views and beliefs, and friendly debate is well encouraged within the faith as to how to interpret the wide mission statement of sorts of the faith of the Traveller. So one would find quite the cross-section of interpretation and belief if one simply asked about those whom are followers of the faith. However by and large, like all the religious paths under this umbrella of the Ascended, Feyheart has a principle code, a set of tenets of sorts meant to guide his followers, provide a framework for their lives and practicing of their faith. These are known as the Orias Sevalious or more simply, The Traveler's Guidings, and they are as follows;

  1. We are the seekers of that which was lost, stolen and forgotten

  2. We are discoverers of our history, wanderers of the past, not just the present.

  3. We are the Cartographers of the present and future. Map your journeys and travels always, in case there be no other.

  4. Fearless Exploration is good, but be not foolish.

  5. Share your travels and tales with any whom wish to learn, for curiousity is the hope of the future.

  6. Once we traveled many realms beyond as well. Never forget that fact.

Travel far, Explore Often

Founding Date
0001 SuD
Religious, Organised Religion

Worship and Divinely Granted Powers

Following the Traveler's Guidings is of course an important step, however besides that there is not much. Feyheart's faith is well known for one of the least strict or restrictive to follow across all of Valerick, even for seeming to initially have more rules based upon comparison of their simple code. This is a rather fair point to make however as the actual tenets within their code feel far less like restrictions upon behavior and far more like suggestions of things to do directly. A statement of intent far more than a code of restrictions.

A Traveler's Prayers

These are the prayers that grant those chosen followers, the priests, templars and their ilk, access to the offerings of Divine Power that Feyheart provides.

Cover image: The Guiding Star by Keon Croucher (discord name, drizzt103) was the input operator, Midjourney AI took those inputs and put the image together.
Character flag image: The Guiding Star by Keon Croucher, I used Inkarnate


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