The Roharan Jig

A strange little dance that allows a performer to, seemingly, enthrall or charm wild life around them, as if influencing their perception of the performer, altering their disposition.


Perform TN: 14, Tier II; 19, Tier III; 24

Performance Time: 2 actions

Duration: Maintained, up to 1 minute.

Range: 30 feet

Target: Up to two non humanoids/non sapients within range.

Base Effects: Those creatures that you choose to target, as they bear witness to this performance, cannot help but be disarmed by your genuine good humor and lack of threatening posture and action. They must make a Persona Defense Test. If they fail, their disposition towards you improves by three steps (So directly hostile creatures would move all the way to trusting, one step below out and out friendly). Should they succeed their demeanor towards you still improves by one step (so for example directly hostile creatures would simply become distrusting, not outwardly and actively hostile), but they become immune to being effected by this again for a full day.

Tier II: You may target up to four appropriate targets.

Tier III: You may target up to six appropriate targets.


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