The Seekers of Progress

We are the divine engineers, those whom embrace technology, whom trust science and our understanding of the world, to arm and armor us. We are not afraid of progress, in fact we seek it. We seek the answers of study and science, we protect knowledge, and seek knowledge. We are the light of learning in the face of ignorance. For education is a weapon against the darkest things our reality has to offer. We are the crafters, those whom arm and armor the brave whom would stand against the Void, for we are the chosen and learned of the Divine Forge. We combat Darkness with Light, Ignorance with Knowledge, Stagnation with Invention, and the Void with War. We are the Seekers of Progress, the followers of Cormaq Thunderhand, the Divine Engineer.   From the annals of a holy text called Divine Writ of Intellect manual 2-108C, paragraph 3, lines 21-27


The Seekers of Progress are split into many a congregation, informally, as are all the faiths across Valerick. However within the buerocratic connective machinery of the organization between all those smaller groups, two notable divisions are formal, as they are with all faiths. Those two are;

The Devil Dogs:

The Templar Order of the Seekers of Progress are the more militant arm, naturally, and bear now zero real resembalance to the ancient idea of being a 'knightly' order, having embraced not just a more modern military-esque structure, but also armament. Gone are the days of heavy armor, big shields and blades or polearms. Firearms, chymech and magnetech weapons dominate, with a sprinkle of martial prowess in the arts of finer and swift footed swordplay being a cultural element of sorts. Light armored, quick moving, with lots of firepower, not what one would typically picture when they picture the word 'Templar'. Yet they remain one all the same, just an order that has embraced the march of time, and the progression of arms, armaments and war. A man of Renarii blood by the name of Gregory Bathos heads this arm of the faith, though is only second in authority in the religious order's heirarchy.

The Order Libarium:

The name for the more administrative and priestly side of the faith, the buerocratics, it is a name well earned, as the churches of Cormaq Thunderhand are a strange blend of workshop and library in feel and function, and the priests of this order are oft descibed as Uppity Tinkerers or more formally, Divine Engineers. His is a faith of militaristic culture, this is true, but also a faith of science and invention, of research and study. His holy days are oft marked by anniversaries of great and massive discoveries and inventions in the sciences. First Lector Amilis Venitate, a gnomish priest and famed gunsmith, heads the faith now, guiding it forwards, ever forwards, as Cormaq would demand.

Public Agenda

Those of the faith of Cormaq Thunderhand are sworn devotees and protectors of knowledge, progress and invention. They are directly opposed to any altering of the balance of Creation and Destruction, which does in fact put them in direct opposition with the Void, a most ferverant one indeed. They despise the Void for its endless infinity, the idea that no rules can be held sacred, no knowledge or understanding gained ever being permanent or foundational. It is the antithesis of everything they stand for. They believe Knowledge is sacred, but not meant to be hoarded or guarded. No to them, knowledge is meant for all, it should be in the Light so that all may benefit, all may learn, all may grow wiser and stronger. As such, another common function of their temples is a learning house of sorts for the less fortunate and less well off. Donations are appreciated, but never truly required, though your labor and efforts will be whilst you are under their tutelage.


The temples of this gnomish god of innovation and technology are most common in the nation of Waston. As one might expect given that is the nation state he is said to have been the Ascended Champion of. Their seat of power, their grand cathedral, is in fact in the capital of that nation, Rydan. The Grand Librarium as it is well known, is a massive structure, triple dutying as a monstrous library, a wonderous multi trade workshop and a fine university as well as being a house of worship. It is truly a conglamorate of a sorts, and though referred to as but one structure, like all the great cathedrals, it is in fact many, a large piece of property with many facilities. The chapels and temples honoring the Divine Engineer, like all the Ascended, can be found at least incorporated into the shared churches and their ilk, however one may also find them dominate in any urban setting, any district or neighborhood that is heavily industrialized or heavy into the trades or education.

Tenets of Faith

Those whom worship Cormaq Thunderhand may have distinctions and differences in ideals, different views on certain bits of scripture or the like, as one might expect. However they interpret all of that, they have a few shared core values, a core codex of sorts. Tenets, rules, they are obligated under divine oath to uphold and honor, considerations that must ride within their mind constantly for every decision they make. This code of behavior is known as the Torvi Elis Vanit or more simply translated, the Engineer's Ethical Codex. The broad and simple rules are as follows;

  1. We are of a higher purpose, you seek knowledge, advancement and progress for the good of all, not riches

  2. Death is an acceptable price to pay to save or protect knowledge from being lost.

  3. Educate, not belittle. We are the Light of advancement, our job is to illuminate the path.

  4. Fear is the enemy of advancement, yet caution is its ally. You must control your fears, they cannot control you

Progress, Innovation, Invention

Founding Date
0001 SuD
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Divine Engineers
Permeated Organizations

Worship and Divinely Inspired Powers

Honoring the Engineer's Ethical Codex is key above all else of course, but any given group or congregation or even individual may have other little things or behaviors or ideas of how best to engage in offering praise and worship to the Divine Engineer. Often times this includes offering education, apprenticeship, and public services to those places where you can safely and comfortably indulge in the noble pursuits of knowledge and invention.

Rites of Progress

These are the prayers that allow the faithful of Cormaq Thunderhand to tap into the divine powers that he willingly provides.

Cover image: The First Firearm Pendant by Keon Croucher (discord name, drizzt103) was the input operator, Midjourney AI took those inputs and put the image together.
Character flag image: The Cannon of Progress by Keon Croucher, I used Inkarnate


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Aug 11, 2023 01:42

I see you are starting a deep dive into fantasy religion. I would give this gamer/professor's article "Practical Polytheism" a read. It helped my world building.

Aug 11, 2023 08:40 by Keon Croucher

Thank you :) I've read a couple others, but had not yet seen this, I appreciate!

Keon Croucher, Chronicler of the Age of Revitalization