The Susma Sandstorm

A wild and fast dance from the desert cultures of Gavis-Lune, aptly named for how it manifests in the most skilled of performers.


Perform TN: 18, Tier II; 23, Tier III;28

Performance Time: 3 actions

Duration: Maintained, up to 1 minute.

Range: 30 foot radius AOE centered on you

Target: Self

Base Effects: This dance is aptly named for what it does, as you move with swift and disruptive footwork, kicking up dust, sand, ash, and any other materials you can think of, generating this obscuring and blinding cloud all about yourself and those around you. Everyone within the cloud is affected by Blinded (1) condition, however they are also heavily obscured, meaning any attack against them has a 25% chance to miss. This even includes any sort of single target spell, as it is exceedingly difficult to make out any details beyond rough shapes through the sandstorm.

Tier II: Now 50% miss chance.

Tier III: Now 75% miss chance.


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