Thunderous Tempo and Tune

A loud, boisterous, and forceful performance, musically powerful, almost an exertion of sheer concussive force by one's ego.


Perform TN: 14, Tier II; 19, Tier III; 24

Performance Time: 1 action

Duration: Instant

Range: Self=Centered Area of Effect

Target: Radius, 10 feet

Basic Effects: Performing and singing with aggressive storm-like force, you manifest your ego in a burst of sound all about you, a forceful thundering wall of sorts that erupts forth in all directions. Any creature within the radius must make a Toughness Defense Test. Should they fail, they are pushed back 20 feet, thrown prone and take 1d10 Thunder Damage. If they succeed, they take half damage and are not thrown prone but are still pushed back 10 feet. If they would hit a solid object from being pushed back, they take appropriate fall damage as their travel ends. If that object is another creature, they split the fall damage between them.

Tier II Effects: Radius increases to 15 feet, damage increases to 2d10 Thunder Damage.

Tier III Effects: Radius increases to 20 feet, damage increases to 3d10 Thunder Damage.


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