Timed Charge

"Set the timer for 1 minute Jalx. Then get back. Once we are through the hole in the wall, myself and Cyntha will cut left, try and take advantage of the confusion and take down as many of the orcbait as we can. You head right with Elias and get Anthony out of his cell."

Using a slow burning wood fibre and nitro soaked fuse cord, and complex math calculations that are done on the fly, this particular device is an overpacked bomb, meant mostly for breaching structures. It is often shaped to allow the force to exit from one side, upon which some sort of adhesive will be. The rest of the containing shell will be a lot more rigid and solid, insuring that softer side is the path of least resistance. For added effect, it will often be packed with bunches of iron nails, screws or other sharp bits of off cut metal, to act as shrapnel if anyone was to close on the other side of whatever is being blasted through.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Craft DC: 17, Tier II; 22, Tier III; 27

Range: Adjacent, planted

Duration: Special, Instant.

Basic Effects: 10 foot blast, cone shaped (with 5 foot blowback blast radius), Dangerous (1). This bomb is unique in that it is a timed device. It is nothing more than a basic explosive, however it is designed both by size and structure, for breaching well...structures. This bomb inflicts 4d8 Bludgeoning and Piercing Damage upon detonation, with enough force to throw any creature in front of it back some 15 feet. This device deals double damage to structures. Any creature within the blast cone must make an Reflex Save. If critically failed they take double damage and are also Confused (1). If failed they take full damage and are thrown violently 15 feet directly away from the source of the blast, taking all appropriate fall damage, even if they hit something that halts their progress. They are also prone. If successful on the Save, they only take full damage but are Deafened for 1 round from the blast. If critically successful, they merely take half damage. Those in the 5 foot blowback radius risk 2d8 bludgeoning and piercing damage and being knocked prone. They make an Reflex Save as well, with all the same parameters as above.

Rank II Effects: The damage increases to 6d8 (and 3d8 on blowback) and the blast cone becomes 15 feet.

Rank III Effects: The damage increases to 8d8 (and 4d8 on blowback) and the blast cone becomes 20 feet.
Item type
Weapon, Explosive
Raw materials & Components


  • 1/2 a pound of smokepowder

  • Nitro-soaked wood fibre fuse cord, 1 foot in length/6 seconds you wish the fuse to take to burn.

  • 3 ounces of scrap metal, nails, filing, screws, whatever you have available.


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