Tinkerer-PF2e/Homebrew Mess thing

This Profession is best applied as an overlay in Pathfinder 2e to the Inventor. It is also likely the furthest from the class its meant to interact with on a compatibility basis, and that is a difficulty of course, which can be addressed however best a GM or game group wishes.

Tinkerers are a very new field of professions whom may end up taking the role of an Exemplari. They come about in the growing industrializtion and cutting edge of technological innovation. They are very capable, able to work with limited to seemingly no materials and yet still create things of wonder and beauty, almost as if a magick in its own right. Rune-crafters, masters of enhancement upon gear and equipement of themselves and their allies, requiring only an object be receptive to more complex enhancements for their runes to work. Magicore Technicians, masters of many a strange little device that is very useful, basically granting them access to any skill, with a high degree of ability, as well as generally being well versed in the most advanced weapons of the time and able to upkeep them. And War-crafters, whom are on the extreme cutting edge, for these rare individuals do all their work within a prototype vehicle of sorts, a mechanical suit of a kind that they upgrade and use as both transportation and battle gear.


Career Progression

Key Attribute: For the Tinkerer, the key Attribute is Intelligence.

Hit Point Progression: Tinkerers start play with merely their Toughness Boost added to their racial hit points to establish their total. From there for every level beyond 1st they gain 1d6+Constitution Modifier Hit Points to their maximum.

Initial Proficiencies

Perception: Tinkerers start play Trained in Perception

Saving Throws: Tinkerers start play Expert in Logic Saves, and Trained in Reflex, Fortitude, and Will Saves.

Skills: Tinkerers start play Trained with Crafting in General, as well as Expert in a specific field based on their chosen Speciality. Beyond that they start play Trained in 3+Intelligence Modifier skills.

Attacks: Tinkerers are Trained with 3 Ranged families they wish to choose, as well as Melee (Fencing) and Melee (Basic Hand Weapons)

Defenses: Tinkerers are Trained in Unarmored Defense, Light Armor, and Medium Armor.

Profession DC: Tinkerers start play Trained with Tinkerer DC

Trinkets and Trinket DCs: Tinkerers start play Trained with Trinkets and in the Trinket DC (this is basically their spells in a fashion).

Profession Progression Table

Level Skill Progression Points Talents Gained Trinkets Brilliance Die
1 1 Ancestry and Background, Specialty Selection Package, Brilliance, Tinkerer Feat, Trinket Expertise 1 1d4
2 1 Tinkerer Feat, Skill Feat, Tinkerer Expertise 1 1d4
3 1 General Feat, Crafter's Ego 2 1d4
4 1 Tinkerer Feat, Skill Feat, Crafter's Strong Body 2 1d4
5 2 Attribute Growth, Ancestry Feat, Weapon Expertise 3 1d6
6 1 Tinkerer Feat, Skill Feat, Dodging Flying Tools 3 1d6
7 1 General Feat, Workshop Awareness 4 1d6
8 1 Tinkerer Feat, Skill Feat, Logic Mastery 4 1d6
9 1 Ancestry Feat, Tinkering Mastery 5 1d8
10 2 Tinkerer Feat, Skill Feat, Trinkets Mastery 5 1d8
11 1 General Feat, Armored Expertise 6 1d8
12 1 Tinkerer Feat, Skill Feat, Craftperson's Ego 6 1d8
13 1 Ancestry Feat, Focused Will 7 1d10
14 1 Tinkerer Feat, Skill Feat, Hardened Body 7 1d10
15 2 Attribute Growth, General Feat, Sharpened Awareness 8 1d10
16 1 Tinkerer Feat, Skill Feat, Lightning Reflexes 8 1d10
17 1 Ancestry Feat, Mind over Matter 9 1d12
18 1 Tinkerer Feat, Skill Feat, Mastery at Arms 9 1d12
19 2 General Feat, Legendary Inventions 10 1d12
20 1 Attribute Growth, Tinkerer Feat, Skill Feat, Legendary Tinkerer 10 1d12

Tinkerer Basic Features and Abilities

This section will detail the basic progression as noted on the table above.

Ancestry and Background: Like all characters, the Tinkerer gains the benefits of their background and Ancestry, including their first level Ancestry Feat. Furthermore you gain another Ancestry Feat at 5th level and every four levels thereafter.

Specialty Selection Package: This is the Tinkerer's subclass basically, they select this at 1st level, it provides a small suite of effects and benefits, and will affect what Trinkets they can access, and even decide some fundamental traits of the profession. Unlike other professions, a Tinkerer is very heavily defined by their Speciality. All Professions are but the Tinkerer is arguably more than any other. It decides which type of Trinkets the Tinkerer can get access to, it decides their main professional focus, whereas their base abilities and generic (non subclass specific) feats are mostly just general utility. With all that said, the Tinkerer only comes with 3 Specialities, and those will be briefly outlined, their starting package, below;

Magnicore Technician

Makers of little technological devices that use Magnetech engines, steam engines, clockwork or other even more esoteric mechanical setups. The devices they make are not just meant for them however, in fact they gift them out to their companions or others, though only for a day at a time. They design them very specifically, almost as if a sort of magick to their craft, where the objects will just cease to function, returning to an inert state, needing fuel or some sort of calibration perhaps, or even a complete reassembly.

Devices: Magnicore Technicians utilize the Devices list for their Trinkets, and the way this works, is after a Rest, they assign a number of these that they have readied equal to their limit for their level, and that is what they have access to and can hand out to their allies for the rest period. The devices, unless specified as having a limited amount of usage available for that period, are simply always available for whomever has them equipped/in their possession.

Rapid Reinforcement: By spending a use of Brilliance and 1 action, the Tinkerer can provide a bonus to a shield they can touch equal to their Intelligence Modifier. This boost lasts rounds equal to a roll of their Brilliance Dice. A shield can only be affected by this one time, it cannot stack. By spending an extra action, so 2 actions, you could do it to a set of armor.

Skills: Expert in Craft (Smithing), Trained in Lore (Engineering)

Shared Education: A Magnicore Technician is well versed in giving individuals crash courses in certain necessary skills. For any device that requires a particular skill in its use, such as Drive (Jump Pak) or something of that ilk, if you choose to give an ally the Device, you may spend a use of Brilliance, rolling your Brilliant Dice and adding your Intellect Boost. For that many hours they count as having +1 Skill rank in that necessary Skill.


An ancient craft, dwarven runeforging is a tradition passed down that has spread in a unique way now, allowing a more flexible, but less potent and permanent version of the craft that has been embraced all over Valerick. Runesmiths take the same principle, but instead of forging the rune and power permanently into the steel and iron of the weapon or armor, they simply inset little carefully crafted runic etched crystals, magi-welding them as appropriate to weapons or armor. These bonds are not permanent, only lasting about a day or so, but every time they Rest, a Runesmith awakens and starts their day by assigning their runes, equipping them as they wish.

Runes: Runes are the trinkets of the Runesmith and the way this works, they get as many as their level dictates to assign and equip to any armors, shields or weapons they deem fit after every Rest. They do not need to wield the items themselves, they could attach them to their allies armor, shields, or weapons. Besides the natural limit per level, any given item is limited by its basic level of magick. Mundane items may only have 1 tier of rune equipped (so only 1 rune and it must be Tier I), where as other objects with an appropriate base level of magickal enhancement (so +1, +2, +3 and +4) may have 1+their base Enhancement number worth of Tier attached to them. So a +2 shield could have one Tier III rune, or a single Tier II and a Tier I, or even three Tier I runes. Once assigned to objects, these cannot be changed or altered until the Runesmith takes a Rest, in which case the rune crystals that they had previously assigned simply fade away, their energy and magick spent.

Attacks: You count as Trained with any one additional Melee and Ranged Weapon group of your choice.

Skills: Expert in Craft (Runesmith) and Trained in Arcana and Lore (Dwarven)

Manna Spike: This is a Brilliance ability that is a Reaction. If you are being told to roll a saving throw against some sort of magick effect, you may spend a Brilliance to add a bonus of 1/2 your Tinkerer level (minimum 1)+ a roll of your Brilliant Die to the Saving Throw roll.


The strangest and least common of Tinkerers, these individuals are oft a little crazy, a little strange, and very skilled. They operate a magnitech vehicle of sorts they call a Magni-mech, a sort of mechanized suit and automaton, of which there are three basic varieties, and whilst they all use the same upgrades and base systems, that first choice, the choice of which type of Magni-Mech, defines a few key things about a War-Crafter's capabilities.

Upgrades: These are the trinkets of the War-Crafter and like everyone else, they assign these to the Magni-mech after each Rest. Unlike other Tinkerers whom progress their known 'spells' via the Profession table, a War-Crafter does not. They can access all the Upgrades from level 1.

Skills: Expert in Craft (Mechanics) and Drive (Mech)

Magni-Mech Selection: The Tinkerer, upon selecting this Focus, must choose their Magni-Mech. This choice does not effect the shape so much, they are all naturally bipedal with two arms, and can be equipped with weapons for hands, none of that is any different than an actual character. What this decides is what the Magni-Mech's physical attributes are (which when piloting it, which should be almost all the time, decides what the War-Crafter's Physical Attributes are in most but not all cirucmstances), along with a few other simple base stats. This decision is final, it can't be changed short of taking a whole month of downtime to disassemble their entire mech and build it anew. The three choices are as follows;

  • Assaulter Mech: STRENGTH=18, DEXTERITY=16, CONSTITUTION=14, STARTING HP=11, HP PROGRESSION/TINKERER LEVEL AFTER 1st= 1d10+Mech's Constitution Modifier. AC (ARMOR CLASS)=10+4 Armor+3 Dexterity Modifier (17). INITIATIVE=Your Perception. Movement Speed=50 feet. Attacks; Gripper Smash; Deals 1d10+Strength Modifier damage. Wheel-Lock Arm; Range (50/200), deals 2d8+Dexterity Modifier, Reload (2), Dangerous(1-2)

  • Bulwark Mech: STRENGTH=14, DEXTERITY=14, CONSTITUTION=20, STARTING HP=15, HP PROGRESSION/TINKERER LEVEL AFTER 1st= 1d12+Mech's Constitution Modifier. AC (ARMOR CLASS)=10+6 Armor+2 Dexterity Modifier (18). Movement Speed=30 feet. Attacks; Gripper Smash; Uses Melee (Brawling), deals 1d10+Strength Modifier Damage. Special Action; Raise Shield Arm Increase Armor Class by +2 for the round.

  • Speed Mech: STRENGTH=14, DEXTERITY=20, CONSTITUTION=14, STARTING HP=11, HP PROGRESSION/TINKERER LEVEL AFTER 1st= 1d8+Mech's Constitution Modifier. AC (ARMOR CLASS)=10+2 Armor+5 Dexterity Modifier (17). Movement Speed=70 feet. Attacks; Gripper Smash; Uses Melee Brawling, deals 1d10+Strength Modifier Damage. Wheel-Lock Arm; Uses Ranged (Firearms), deals 2d8+Dexterity Modifer, Range (50/200), Reload (2), Dangerous (1-2), Special Passive Skirmish; So long as the Mech has moved 35 feet since the last time it attacked, it adds 1d4 to the damage.

Armament Adjustments Talent: The War-crafter can retrofit their Mech with other weapons, getting rid of the Gripper, or the Wheel-lock/Shield as they desire, after a Rest or a Regroup. They can equip any mundane weapon, though they need a bit of time (hence only after a Regroup or Rest), to adjust and intergrate the weapon into the system.

Energy Cap: This is a limitation beyond their simply known upgrades. At base, a War-Crafter's Magni-mech can have an amount of 'energy' that is sum total of upgrade points attached to it that equal 1/2 the Tinkerer's level (minimum 1). Upgrades take up an amount of points of this cap based on their Tier unless stated otherwise in the Upgrade themselves.

That is all three of the Specialties for the Tinkerer. Below is the rest of the base features and progression they gain by level.

Brilliance/Brilliant Dice: Tinkerers are so well studied and intelligent that they seem to be able to almost manifest this as a small supernatural power of sorts. Called Brilliance, it allows them to utilize their force of intellect in moments of Brilliance to help themselves or others, using their Brilliant Dice. They get Moments of Brilliance equal to 1/Tinkerer Level+Intelligence Modifier, and they only recover as part of Daily Preparations (so Long Rest if that's your preferred way to reference it.) At base, a Tinkerer has three ways to utilize this ability, and those three are;

  • Raised Alert!: Reaction This allows the Tinkerer to shout out an alert to a target within 60 feet, and provided that target is capable of hearing, they increase that targets AC or Saving Throws (depending if your reacting to a threat that is an attack or spell) by a the amount they roll on their Brilliant Dice until the Tinkerer's next turn.

  • Helpful Pointers: This is an out of combat ability normally, though in special circumstances (A Scoundrel using Craft (Trap-Making) to disarm a trap) it might be able to be used as a Reaction, whenever a creature within 60 feet is attempting any Craft skill check, to gift them a boost to that roll equal to whatever you roll on your Brilliant Dice.

  • Sharing Knowledge: You may utilize this whenever anyone within 30 feet of you is making a Lore skill check and is willing to accept it, granting them a boost to the roll equal to a roll of your Brilliant Dice.

It is worthy of note that should you use a Brilliance upon a roll, and the target has a method to re-roll and chooses to take it, your ability does NOT apply to the re-roll. It does apply to all rolls if they are rolling with Fortune or Misfortune however.

Trinket Expertise: At 1st level a Tinkerer actually immediately gains Expert Proficiency with their Trinkets and Trinket DCs (Though they use the DC side of this notably less than other caster type professions.)

Tinkerer Feats: At 1st level, and then level 2 and every even level thereafter, the Tinkerer gets to select a profession feat.

Skill Feats: Scale just like Pathfinder 2e, at 2nd level and every even level thereafter.

Tinkerer Expertise: At 2nd level a Tinkerer becomes Expert in their Profession DC.

General Feats: At 3rd level and every four levels thereafter, you gain a General Feat.

Crafter's Ego: At 3rd level a Tinkerer becomes Trained in Ego Saves.

Crafter's Strong Body: At 4th level a Tinkerer becomes Trained in Power Saves.

Attribute Growths: At 5th level and every five levels thereafter, a Tinkerer's Intelligence Score goes up by 1. Furthermore they gain four Attribute points to spread out as they wish. Note that these free points can only increase an Attribute score above 18 by spending two of them for ever single point of Attribute Growth you wish to achieve. However the point in Intelligence you gain ignores this tax.

Weapon Expertise: At 5th level a Tinkerer becomes Expert with all weapon families they are Trained with.

Dodging Flying Tools: At 6th level, used to working in a shop of hot headed craftspeople, they are used to needing to be quick off the draw to dodge suddenly flying tools. They become Expert in Reflex Saves.

Workshop Awareness: Workshops are generally dangerous places, and one needs to be aware at all times. At 7th level a Tinkerer increases their Perception to Expert.

Logic Mastery: At 8th level a Tinkerer becomes Master in Logic Saves.

Tinkering Mastery: At 9th level a Tinkerer becomes Master in their Profession DC.

Trinket Mastery: At 10th level a Tinkerer becomes Master in their Trinkets and Trinket DCs

Armored Expertise: At 11th level a Tinkerer becomes Expert in any Armors (and Unarmored) they were Trained in.

Craftperson's Ego: At 12th level a Tinkerer becomes Expert in Ego Saves.

Focused Will: At 13th level a Tinkerer becomes Expert in Will Saves.

Hardened Body: At 14th level a Tinkerer becomes Expert in Fortitude Saves.

Sharpened Awareness: At 15th level a Tinkerer becomes Master in Perception

Lightning Reflexes: At 16th level a Tinkerer becomes Master in Reflex Saves.

Mind over Matter: At 17th level a Tinkerer becomes Legendary in Logic Saves.

Mastery at Arms: At 18th level a Tinkerer becomes Master with any weapon family they were Expert with.

Legendary Inventions: At 19th level a Tinkerer becomes Legendary with their Trinkets and Trinket DC

Legendary Tinkerer: At 20th level a Tinkerer becomes Legendary with their Profession DC.

Tinkerer Feats

As previously stated this is perhaps the hardest overlay/homebrew connection and bridge, and as such, I advise any GM doing either base 2e or this homebrew-2e mess or trying to lay one over the other to really consider their approach to the Tinkerer and Inventor carefully in how they will wish to handle it. However we've come this far and I'm determined to finish. So let us get into it.

Swift Fixer

Feat 1

Traits: Tinkerer, Items, Repair, Tinkering
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Tinkerer

A Tinkerer is very skilled at repairing broken bits of gear and technology and mechanical work. Though there is always the old adage of I can get it up quickly or safely, not both. You can pick one. So by taking 1 action, a Tinkerer can get a broken piece of gear, weaponry, equipment, or mechanical hardware back up and running, however it gains Dangerous (1). If it already had a Dangerous quality this increases the numeric range of it by 1.

A Little bit of Love, a lot of Elbow Grease:

Feat 1

Traits: Brilliance, Tinkerer, Healing, Object, Constructs
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Tinkerer

By spending a use of Brilliance, you take 1 action and recover the structural integrity of target object, Construct, or item of medium size or smaller by an amount equal to a roll of your Brilliant Dice+Intelligence Modifier. At 10th level the target can be Large size. At 20th level it can be Huge Size.

Structural Weakness:

Feat 2

Traits: Brilliance, Augmentation, Tinkerer
Source:Adventures in Valerick
Access: Tinkerer

By spending a use of Brilliance as a free action after landing a successful Ranged attack wth a Ranged Weapon of the Explosive, Chymech, Magnetech, or Engineering families against a Structure or Construct you immediately increase the damage by an amount equal to a roll of your Brilliant Dice+Intelligence Modifier.

Device Tracking

Feat 2

Traits: Magnicore Technician, Device, Tinkerer, Sensory
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magnicore Technician Tinkerer

A Magnicore Technician has a variety of ways to know their own devices and one of the main ways is their unique sort of energy emissions. using a special tool called an enertromacitor, they can generally for a time track them out to a range of miles=to their Intelligence Modifier. Doing so counts as an activation of their Brilliance, and then they roll their Brilliant Dice to establish how many hours the device will emit a strong enough energy emission to be tracked.

Runecrafter Student

Feat 2

Traits: Runesmith Tinkerer, Brilliance, Activity
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Runesmith Tinkerer

Though the basis of Runesmithing is built off the basic list of runes the Runesmith gets access to, it is through this basic process and understanding that they can in fact learn to even backwards engineer runes of custom types and this feat represents that. By spending a full day activity with any magick item with Tier I enchantment woven into it, they can create a formula to grow their Runes known list beyond the limits of their profession table and profession list, creating custom runes to bestow those effects upon objects of the appropriate type (armor, weapon, clothing item, accessory, etc.) but they will, like all runes, only hold their power for 1 day. These runes make up a separate list for the purposes of the cap as well, effectively doubling their application pool for as part of their Daily Preparations.

Rapid Wrench-Work:

Feat 2

Traits: War-Crafter Tinkerer, Magnemech, Repair, Brilliance
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: War-Crafter Tinkerer

1-Action, by spending a use of Brilliance a War-Crafter can have their Magni-mech recover HP equal to a roll of their Brilliant Dice+Intelligence Modifier. This can only be activated if the Tinkerer is piloting the Magni-mech.

Proper Calibration

Feat 4

Traits: Brilliance, Tinkerer, Open
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Tinkerer

A Tinkerer with this feat may spend a use of Brilliance at the beginning of their turn as well as 2 actions. If they do so, they get to make a Ranged attack with any Explosive, Engineering, Chymech, Magnetech, Engineering, or Firearm family weapon, and they ignore Long Range penalties if they would apply, out to the weapon's maximum (second) range increment. Furthermore they add a roll of their Brilliant Dice+Intelligence Modifier to both the attack roll and damage dealt.

Practiced Assembly

Feat 4

Traits: Devices, Magnicore Technician Tinkerer
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magnicore Technician Tinkerer

A Magnicore Technician with this feat, their known Devices can now offer their Tier II enhancements, improving or adding new benefits as appropriate.

Rapid Realignment

Feat 4

Traits: Runesmithing, Tinkerer, Runesmith, Activity
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Runesmith Tinkerer

A Runesmith with this feat is pretty comfortable within their skill set and can work fast with their simpler Runes. When taking part in a Regroup they may spend a use of Brilliance and both delegated tasks they could take on during a Regroup. Rolling their Brilliant Dice, they may discard up to that many Runes from those they had equipped and active from Daily Preparations, and select replacements, however they can only do this to prepare and imbue new Tier I Runes, even after they get access to Tier II runes during Daily Preparations. This speed crafting is a harder skill, and as such, they can only handle readying Tier I Runes. However their options do include any additional custom runes they've developed via the Runecrafter Student Feat, should they have it.

Magickal Armaments I

Feat 4

Traits: Activity, Magni-Mech, War-Crafter Tinkerer, Arcane
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: War-Crafter Tinkerer

A War-Crafter with this feat can now retrofit their Mech with Magick Weapons up to +1 Enhancement when doing an Armament Adjustment.

Shift Start!

Feat 6

Traits: Tinkerer, Initiative, Brilliance
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Tinkerer

So long as they are not Surprised, a Tinkerer when told to roll for Initiative, may spend a use of Brilliance as a triggered effect and add a roll of their Brilliant Dice to their Initiative roll.

Rapid Reworking

Feat 6

Traits: Magnicore Technician, Tinkerer, Devices, Brilliance
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magnicore Technician

A Magnicore Technician with this Feat is pretty comfortable within their skill set and can work fast. When taking part in a Regroup they may spend a use of Brilliance and both delegated tasks. Rolling their Brilliant Dice, they may discard up to that many Devices from the list they'd chosen during their last Daily Preparations and select Replacements. However when using this method, the replacements must be Tier I, as they can only whip up the simplest version of anything in such a rushed timeframe.

Practiced Artisan

Feat 6

Traits: Runesmith Tinkerer, Runesmithing
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Runesmith Tinkerer

A Runesmith with this Feat can now, during their Daily Preparations, select the Tier II version of runes they know.

Brilliant Intergration

Feat 6

Traits: Magni-Mech, War-Crafter, Brilliance, Upgrades
Source: Adventures in Valerick

During Daily preparations, a War-Crafter may spend a use of Brilliance to utilize this ability. They may only utilize this effect 1/day at current, though it will increase to 2/day at 12th level and 3/day at 18th. They need not roll their Brilliant Dice for this ability, instead they simply reduce the effective cost of one Upgrade against their Energy cap by 1. This can make a Tier I upgrade cost 0 against the Energy Cap.

Note a Weakness

Feat 8

Traits: Brilliance, Tinkerer, Auditory
Source: Adventures in Valerick

1 Action to use, can only be activated after making a successful attack against a creature. Noting the success of your own attack method, you note something that could be useful, could give your allies an edge, and you call it out to them. Any creature that can hear you that you consider an ally gains a bonus to all attack rolls against that target equal to a roll of your Brilliant Dice until your next turn.


Feat 8

Traits: Magnicore Technician Tinkerer, Construct
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magnicore Technician

Dealing with Constructs is sort of the speciality of a Magnicore Technician, well Constructs, Vehicles and Machinery. You add your Brilliant Dice to all damage effects, attack rolls and skill checks against such creatures/objects.

Runecrafter Journeyman

Feat 8

Traits: Uncommon, Runesmith Tinkerer, Brilliance, Activity
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Runesmith Tinkerer with Runecrafter Student Feat

The activity your Runecrafter Student Feat grants you access to can now be used on magicakal objects with a Tier II enchantment woven into them, granting you Tier II custom runes.

Improved Upgrades

Feat 8

Traits: War-Crafter Tinkerer, Upgrades
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: War-Crafter

A War-Crafter with this feat can now utilize the Tier II versions of Upgrades they know during Daily Preparations.

A Quick Mind makes a Quick Body

Feat 10

Traits: Uncommon, Tinkerer, Initiative
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Tinkerer with Shift Start! Feat

Tinkerers with this feat add their Intelligence Modifier to all Perception rolls made for Initiative.

Master Assemblies

Feat 10

Traits: Uncommon, Magnicore Technician, Devices
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magnicore Technician with Practiced Assembly Feat

During their Daily Preparations a Magnicore Technician with this feat can access Tier III of their Devices.

Realignment Expertise

Feat 10

Traits: Runesmith Tinkerer, Runes, Activity, Uncommon
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Runesmith Tinkerer with Rapid Realignment feat

Your Rapid Realignment activity can allow you to swap out Tier II runes now as well.

Magickal Armaments II

Feat 10

Traits:Activity, Uncommon, War-Crafter Tinkerer, Arcane
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: War-Crafter with Magickal Armaments I Feat

You can now retrofit your Magni-Mech with Magick Weapons up to +2 (Tier II) when doing an Armament Adjustment.

A Bit of Light Reading

Feat 12

Traits: Tinkerer, Activity, Brilliance
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Tinkerer

If you are taking part in a Regroup, you may spend 1 activity slot to recover uses of Brilliance equal to a roll of your Brilliant Dice. This cannot allow you to exceed your maximum uses cap.

Rework Expertise

Feat 12

Traits: Uncommon, Magnicore Technician, Devices
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magnicore Technician with Rapid Reworking Feat

When utilizing Rapid Reworking you can now access Tier II Devices.

Masterful Artisan

Feat 12

Traits: Runesmith Tinkerer, Rare, Runes
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Runesmith Tinkerer with Practiced Artisan Feat

You now can access Tier III Runes during Daily Preparations from the base Rune list for your profession.

Swift Adjustment

Feat 12

Traits: Uncommon, War-Crafter, Activity, Brilliance
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: War-Crafter

During a Regroup, by spending a use of Brilliance and 1 activity, a War-Crafter may swiftly adjust an Upgrade they have equipped to their Magni-Mech, altering it, adding or taking away parts, shifting its location upon the chasis. They may exchange any one Upgrade they have equipped for another they know of equal Tier.

Alter Parameters

Feat 14

Traits: Tinkerer, Attack, Crafting
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Tinkerer

This is a special 2 action attack a Tinkerer can make on a Construct type creature or Animated Object creature as well. It costs 1 use of Brilliance. They roll Crafting for the attack instead of an attack roll. If they hit, instead of doing damage, they can alter the parameters of the entity's behavior for rounds equal to a roll of their Brilliant Dice, essentially taking control of the creature. If they score a critical hit, they add their Intelligence Modifier to the roll of the Brilliant Dice. If they miss, they instead simply inflict the creature with Slow (1) and if they critically miss they gift the creature Hasten (1) for 1 round by accident.

Device Recall

Feat 14

Traits: Rare, Magnicore Technician, Devices
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magnicore Technician with Device Tracking Feat

By spending 1 use of Brilliance, a Magnicore Technician can simply recall any Device currently detectable via Device Tracking to their own hand. Alternatively, for 2 uses of Brilliance and 3 actions, utilizing a device called a Dimenstepper, they can actually teleport themselves to be adjacent to the Device, provided its location is no further than 'X' Miles away, where 'X'=their Intelligence Modifier.

Master Runecrafter

Feat 14

Traits: Runesmith Tinkerer, Rare, Runes
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Runesmith with Runecrafter Journeyman Feat.

The activity of Runecrafter Student can now grant you access to using it on Magickal Objects with a Tier III enchantment woven into them, allowing you to gain Tier III custom Runes.

Masterful Upgrades

Feat 14

Traits: War-Crafter Tinkerer, Upgrades, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: War-Crafter Tinkerer with Improved Upgrades Feat

A War-Crafter with this feat can now utilize Tier III Upgrades during Daily Preparations.

A Busy Mind

Feat 16

Traits: Tinkerer, Rare, Initiative, Brilliance
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Tinkerer

Whenever you have to roll Initiative, if you are out of uses of Brilliance, you immediately recover uses equal to your Intellect Boost.

Drone Devices

Feat 16

Traits: Rare, Magnicore Technician Tinkerer, Devices, Movement
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magnicore Technician Tinkerer with Device Recall Feat

Your Devices gain a Move speed, you can pilot them as part of your turn. Their speed equals 15 feet/tier, and so long as they fly, crawl, stride, or however they move, from sharing a space with whomever is benefitting from them to another creature, you may automatically equip them to that creature to give them the benefits instead. This costs 1 action to use.

Masterful Realignment

Feat 16

Traits: Runesmith Tinkerer, Activity, Brilliance, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Runesmith Tinkerer with Realignment Expertise Feat

Your Rapid Realignment Activity now allows you to swap out Tier III Runes as well.

Magickal Armaments III

Feat 16

Traits: War-Crafter Tinkerer, Rare, Activity, Arcane
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: War-Crafter Tinkerer with Magickal Armaments II Feat.

You can now retrofit your Magni-Mech with Magick Weapons up to +3 (Tier III) when doing an Armament Adjustment.

Wrench in the Gears

Feat 18

Traits: Tinkerer, Construct, Brilliance
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Tinkerer

Whenever you successfully strike a Construct or Animated Object, you can as a Free Action spend a use of Brilliance and roll your Brilliant Dice. You bestow them with Persistent Force Damage that can only be affected by Crafting rolls against your Profession DC. A success reduces it by 1 point, a critical success removes 2 points.

Rework Mastery

Feat 18

Traits: Rare, Magnicore Technician, Devices, Activity
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magnicore Technician Tinkerer with Rework Expertise

When utilizing Rapid Reworking you can now access Tier III Devices.

Permanent Runecraft

Feat 18

Traits: Rare, Runesmith Tinkerer, Brilliance, Activity
Source: Adventures in Valerick Access: Runesmith Tinkerer

By spending a full day of downtime and rolling a Crafting Roll against your own Profession DC, you can attempt to imbue an object with a Rune permanently. What this does, is it enchants the object but does so in such a way that it only counts as 0 points against an object's runic cap, regardless of the potency of the rune. This can only be done with a Tier II rune on a regular success or Tier III rune on a critical success, or a Tier I rune on a Failure. Critical Failure simply destroys the object. This can only be done to any object 1 time and cannot be done to any currently enchanted objects or artifact level objects.

Rapid Adjustments

Feat 18

Traits: War-Crafter Tinkerer, Rare, Activity, Brilliance
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: War-Crafter with Swift Adjustment Feat.

You now can swap out two upgrades per use of Swift Adjustment.

If you can build it, you can Break it

Feat 20

Traits: Tinkerer, Brilliance, Attack, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Tinkerer

This is a 2 action special attack that the Tinkerer may attempt against any object, item, construct creature, animated object creature, vehicle, or otherwise. They set the parameters of the destruction (will it immediately be destroyed, or it can be a delayed event up to minutes equal to their level plus Intellience Modifier). They roll a Crafting roll, adding their Brilliant Dice, against the target's DC (creature DC, Item DC, whichever it might have that works). Should they critically fail, they simply don't manage to accomplish anything. If they fail, they strip all hardness (so AC) from the target leaving it at base 10, permanently unless someone manages to succeed a full 30 minute Repair activity with a Crafting Roll that beats the Tinkerer's DC. If they succeed, the object will be be reduced to 1 hp after the noted timeframe automatically as well as losing all AC, same repair rules apply. Should they critically succeed, the target will be destroyed/broken entirely after the appropriate time frame.

Magnum Opus

Feat 20

Traits: War-Crafter, Runesmith, Magnicore Technician, Rare, Invention, Device, Upgrade, Rune
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magnicore Technician, Runesmith, or War-Crafter Technician with access to their Tier III Devices, Upgrades or Runes.

This feat requires the GM and Player collaborate. The character creates their masterpiece, inventing a wholly new, special Rune, Device or Upgrade that stands alone in a Tier of its own. Basically an artifact level invention, a mystical 'fourth tier' that does not normally exist. They gain permanent access to it during Daily Preparations.

Cover image: Drard Fizbogwaan building part of what would eventually become Gizmo by Keon Croucher Using Midjourney


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