Touch of Life

A powerful single target healing spell that any Diamond Magister can accomplish with enough practice


Basic Effects: Weaving the essence of Meanma within yourself, and through you own body and into your hand, you lay your hand on your target. They heal for 5d10 wounds immediately, as you complete the spell-form, and are cured of any non permanent conditions.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: Increase Healing to 6d10, and you cure any disease or illness they may have.

Tier III Effects: Increase Healing to 7d10, and you cure any permanent condition.


Evelyn touched Amelie then, realizing part of the little girl's problem, why she was so withdrawn and struggled to hold her own, and why she was so volatile. Beyond the bullying, she realized, Amelie was blind. Her eyes showed white, and in her irises she could see small shapes wriggling. The poor child was ill, very sick, with a parasite. Evelyn had no way to know how long Amelie had been blind, so she took a knee and spoke softly. "Amelie, I need you to close your eyes, and when I tell you to open them, I need you to promise not to panic, for it will be very disorienting at first. Can you promise me?"

"I promise." said the little girl, and Evelyn found she believed her, this little voice that still was full of passion and stubborn will, even in acquiesing to such a request.

"Good close your eyes now. There will be a slight...tingling sensation." Evelyn told her, as she finished weaving the spell, and laid a hand upon the girl, watching her bruises and cuts heal and knit back together before her very eyes. Hand on the side of her face, she watched as color returned, as skin that had looked gaunt and weak healed, as cuts and scrapes disappeared. Amelie jerked then, and that was how Evelyn knew. "Yes child, I'm sure that felt very strange, but it is for the better. Now very slowly, as slowly as you can, open your eyes for me."

Amelie did so and the shock on her face was priceless. Eyes watered as she glanced up, though thankfully instinctually turned away from the sun. She blinked many times, clearly trying to get her eyes to focus. They were an almost orange-yellow now, Evelyn noted, a more appropriate color for her Touch and her potential talent. "I can...I can see!" Amelie said with delight, throwing herself into a vice grip like hug around Evelyn. "Thank you, thank you!!" the young girl sobbed with happiness, and Evelyn held tight, even as she felt her body temperature rising.

"You are most welcome, little one. Now you need to contain your excitment a little bit please, though it pains me to tell you that, for you deserve to celebrate. You have already been through so much."
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 21, Tier II: 26, Tier III: 31
Related Discipline
Diamond Order
Related School
Related Element
Meanma (Spirit)
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
1 action
Applied Restriction
Target: A non-hostile creature


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