Traveler's Strides

We've a great distance to journey, a long adventure awaits!
So shall we march in quick step, til the daylight abates?
Quick step, quick pace, swift feet, long strides.
The greatest of boons of the road, and for these companions of mine.

Prayer of the Well-Traveled


Basic Effects: You and all affected targets increase your movement speed by 10 feet for the duration and ignore any non magickal and non-hazardous difficult terrain for purpose of movement speed.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: You may target up to three willing creatures in range instead of two, movement speed increase becomes 20 feet.

Tier III Effects: You may target up to four willing creatures in range instead of two, ignore movement modifiers of magickal and hazardous difficult terrain as well (the hazards and magick effects still apply, just not movement penalties and adjustments).


As you finish your prayers, you feel jittery, you feel a burst of energy within you, your lungs expanding with a deep breath, crisp and clean, your leg muscles tense yet comfortable, feeling as if well maintained coiled springs, ready to cover a great distance.
Gestures & Ritual
Prayer TN: 16, Tier II: 21, Tier III: 26
Related Discipline
Prayer (Feyheart)
Effect Duration
Maintained up to 7 hours
Effect Casting Time
1 minute
AOE centered on self, 20 foot radius
Applied Restriction
Targets: Self and up to two willing creatures of your choice within range.


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