
The most terrifying aspect of a Sapphire Magister is perhaps their unique ability to bring the most terrifying sort of aquatic natural disaster to life even hundreds of miles from any body of water, even if on a smaller, but equally destructive for its size, scale.


Basic Effects: Weaving every ounce of Uisce you can draw upon all about you, you concentrate it into one area, manifesting a seemingly implausible phenomena, especially on dry land. A large, 50 foot tall wall of water forms, accelerating rapidly in one direction, seeming to gain a bit of height and momentum with every foot it travels. This tsunami is utterly a destructive force of nature and spares nothing, ripping buildings apart, uprooting trees, smashing anything in its path, and drowning survivors. Any creature in the path of this destructive force of nature must attempt an Agility Defensive Test. Those that fail are swept up as they are smashed into, being forcibly repositioned to where the wave breaks at the end of its movement. They take 6d6 bludgeoning damage and 6d6 cold damage, and arrive to the area the wave breaks they hit the ground prone, and are under the effects of the Slow (1) Condition. If they succeed, they still arrive prone, still are repositioned, but take half damage and are not afflicted with the Slow condition. The wave deals double the bludgeoning damage to structures and inanimate objects, such as carts or wagons.

The next round, the undertow takes effect, the 'water' being sucked back to the point of origin. Anyone within the path of destruction the tsunami initially carved must make an Agility Defensive Test. If they fail, they are again swept off their feet, taking 3d6 bludgeoning damage and 3d6 cold damage, and are dragged back along the path 20d10 feet, and deposited prone and afflicted with the Slow (1) condition, which if they were afflicted with it the first time, means they behave additively, becoming Slow (2). A successful save means they take half damage, and are only dragged half that distance, are not afflicted with the Slow condition but are still dropped Prone.

Ice-Blooded: If a creature caught in this spell effect is a Reptilian or Amphibious creature, or a creature with natural vulnerability to cold (such as a fire elemental) the cold damage becomes 6d10 and 3d10 respectively.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: You may have the wave be a maximum of 75 feet wide

Tier III Effects: Increase the damage by 2d6 and 2d10 as appropriate for the initial wave, and by 1d6 and 1d10 on the undertow, as appropriate.


Realizing the gravity of their situation, Isabella took a deep breath, focusing. This was going to be utterly devastating, and would likely partially flood many of the tunnels, but given the sheer number of the Skavi she didn't care. With a gesture and a chant, and the sound of the sudden rush of water, a massive wave, a Tsunami, smashing into the Skavi, heading right down the tunnel from which they were pouring from by the dozen. The wall of water went right to the ceiling of the cavern as it flowed forth unhindered, at great velocity, smashing into and ripping apart the ratfolk host, dragging them back by the dozens.
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 28, Tier II: 33, Tier III: 38
Related Discipline
Sapphire Order
Related School
Related Element
Uisce {Water}
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
3 actions
500 feet
Applied Restriction
Special: This spellform takes the shape of a wave up to 50 feet across, though you may choose for it to be as small as 20 feet across, and it travels from one point in range to another in a straight line, covering a maximum distance of 250 feet. The wave is 50 feet in height, and moves very rapidly, covering the distance almost instantly, and with great force and violence.


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