Ukuhanyii {Oo-k-oo-ha-nee}

Seeming to appear most commonly as a gilded oil lantern like shape, with a silvery flame exuding dancing tendrils of white-silver light, two lengths of thin chain curling from the top of the lantern like structure and forming two eye shapes within which sparkling diamond white eyes dance and shimmer, there is something both entirely off putting and yet friendly about these creatures. They are so bright and sparkly and shiny, exuding warm welcoming light. However, the physical form they most commonly take on the Material Realm can seem disconcerting, these two eyes within chain loops, and a disembodied floating lantern with tendrils of pure light dancing and flitting all around it from the lantern. However these creatures mean no harm to anyone or anything and are loathe to fight, though they are not defenseless. They wish to illuminate the dark, to offer the courage that light and luminsence bring when faced with darkness, or despair. They are cleansing little creatures, seeking only to purge corruption under the intensity of their glow.

An excerpt of wisdom from the notes of Magister Hayleen Luniste, a well known Spiritualist, that is a practioneer of Soul Magick, and well vouched for and trusted academic source on the Soul Well and its inhabitants.

Basic Information


As with any elemental, the Vilows known as Ukuhanyii merely take on a physical form briefly when visiting the Material Realm, this is far from any direct reference to their anatomy, they merely must take on some cohesive shape to conform to the structure of this realm. They most often choose shapes centered around lanterns or lamps, and so it is by this rough anatomy they are known and documented.

However as with other Spirit elementals, unique amongst them, their physical form is best described as, well, less physical. They are Ethereal creatures, even when summoned here, they seem only partially physically manifest, seeming as spirits or ghosts, though seeming to manifest this way not as a terrible twist of fate or dark magick, but just naturally, perhaps as a defense mechanism. Ukuhanyii, like any spirit elemental, are not really physical creatures, they lack most any physical strength or prowess. They are surprisingly hardy, but mostly they are stubborn and willful, strong of soul/mind, not of body. So it is generally theorized that this natural ghostly presence, where barring the right sort of magickal attacks or weapons, any attempt to assault them may just harmlessly pass through them, is a defensive trait.

Biological Traits

Ukuhanyii on their home realm of Soul Well seem to take on a shape not unlike fireflies, though much larger, about the size of a house cat. They seem to subsist off the ichor of the Sea of Entropy, which borders the Soul Well, bits of the ichor regularly bleeding through, to be seemingly absorbed and dissolved by the luminsence of these Vilows. The Soul Well is the Elemental plane that we have by far the least information about, due inherently to the rarity of Spiritualism as a magick talent on Valerick, however we are not without some study and some theories as noted here.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They seem to subsist, on the Soul Well anyway, with the bits of Ichor from the Entropic Sea that bleed through, subsisting off this energy decay, processing it into soul energy. Again, however further study would be required to really understand the needs and habits in any in depth way.

Additional Information

Social Structure

There does seem to be some sort of social hierarchy, based on limited studies by a variety of Spiritualists, most notably, Hayleen Luniste, of the biome and plane that is the Soul Well. The hierarchy would seem to be directly tied to luminscence, that is to say, how bright and radiant the creatures shine. In observing groups of Ukuhanyii, they always seem to follow the brightest one, though how strict that hierarchy is beyond that is unknown. Is it more akin to moths simply gathering to/following the brightest source of light? Or is there a deeper structure based on brightness and luminsence and the hierarchy follows that pattern from the top down? Further study and observation would be needed to establish such understanding.

Average Intelligence

Ukuhanyii are amongst the most intelligent of the lower elemental kindred, of Vilows. They are known to be capable of complex conversation, and have even in the past shown capable of learning the basics of a language given enough time and teaching.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

As any elemental, Ukuhanyii are noticeably sensitive to the arcane arts, especially to Spiritualism, capable of detecting and pinpointing such ripples in the Aether when on the Material Realm with surprising precision even from great distance.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Some have suggested that the 'brightness' of these creatures may also have a relation to their perception of 'beauty' and that might stand to reason, as they do seem to find great beauty and enjoyment in sources of bright light when upon the Material Realm.
Ukuhanyii Base Stat Sheet
Scientific Name
Elementiaus Solir Illum
Average Height
Due to the ethereal/ghost-like nature of these creatures when they do manifest on the Material Realm, we cannot really posit a proper estimation in regards to weight, height or length.


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Oct 15, 2024 22:40

This is a neat creature :D Them appearing as living lanterns is a great idea. It kind of reminds me of those lantern ghost pokemon (I can't remember their name haha), but yours don't want to consume your soul, lol.

Oct 16, 2024 00:02 by Keon Croucher

I can't remember the name either and couldn't at the time but funny enough that was a bit of the inspiration :) So that's pretty awesome you picked up that too! Glad you liked them, they were fun to write up.

Keon Croucher, Chronicler of the Age of Revitalization