Vincent's Violent Tempo

Playing a blistering tune, and singing of heroes and warriors, exploits of the blade, you seem to turn the very air around you into a hostile force via exertion of your ego.


Perform TN: 12, Tier II; 17, Tier III; 22

Performance Time: 1 action

Duration: 1 minute

Range: Self

Target Self

Basic Effects: As you perform this quick little blistering number, a snippet of it, you manage to exert the will of your ego around yourself in a fashion, using the blistering pace of the tune to excite the wind around you to weaponized levels. At the end of your turn each turn for the duration, any creature adjacent to you is subject to an automatic spell attack that ignores multiple attack penalty. If they are hit, they take 1d4 plus your Persona Boost slashing damage, and it counts as coming from a magickal source. Furthermore any creature that attempts any melee attack upon you automatically takes this damage.

Tier II Effects: Damage becomes 1d8

Tier III Effects: Damage becomes 1d12.


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