Viola's Interpretive Dance

Moving the body in a unique fashion, as if a dance, in truth this is more of a coded method of communicating simple messages non-verbally, one that can be helpfully utilized because it manifests via the ego of the performer, a vocalization in the mind of those you choose whom can witness your motions. Unlike most dances, this one is less a true dance and more almost an encoded body language, utilizing specific motions that seem innocent and unremarkable to communicate quite skillfully.


Perform TN: 18, Tier II; 23, Tier III; 28

Performance Time: 2 actions

Duration: Maintained, up to 1 hour

Range: Special, visual (basically so long as your GM believes it is reasonable that your target allies could see your movements)

Target: Any creatures you wish to target whom can see you.

Base Effects: Utilizing your Ego in this fashion is unique in how it manifests. This is far less obvious and overt than most other dances, and in truth this is only really a 'dance' in the essence that it uses specific body motions to allow you to communicate with allies in a non-verbal fashion. For the course of the duration you may communicate a ten word message to target creatures of your choice every minute. Creatures you do not target cannot understand these messages, but can realize what you are doing should they succeed an Intellect Defense Test, though they are rolling against the Momentum. They only get to attempt this roll once, and if they fail, they are oblivious for the entire duration that you choose to maintain this performance for.

Tier II Effects: They can now be up to twenty word messages.

Tier III Effects: They can now be up to thirty word messages.


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