Warrior-PF2e notes/conversion, this one was simple and is lazy but like...its a Fighter. There isn't a lot to do.

In the opposite vein of a lot of other of the overlays, the Warrior and Fighter overlay with each other so close to perfectly that there is no real need to actually provide a full alternative class/Profession layout at all. Instead what you will find here are added notes to add to the Fighter 2e base to bring it in line to this homebrew.

Whilst there are many more specialized and unique whom could still use this description, those whom are warriors by trade and craft stand out as being well trained, schooled not as officers or in grand strategy, but in basic battlefield technique and tactics, along with a natural and well honed and trained talent for skill at arms. They are naturally gifted at the arts of violence, seeming to have at least basic competenece with any weapon or martial style they put their hand to. Unlike other professions, Warriors do not have true Focus Paths, for skill at arms and surrounding skills are merely just that, skills, and instead simply have a much longer list of talents that the profession can select as a whole.


Career Progression

Key Attribute: Just like Fighters, pick Strength or Dexterity

Hit Dice Progression: Warriors start play with 4+Consitution Modifier Hit Points to add to their racial HP at 1st level. Every level after 1st they gain 1d10+Constitution Modifier to their maximum HP total.

Saving Throws: Progression and starting proficiencies for Fortitude, Reflex, and Will Saves are all acceptable. At the start they also start Trained in Power saves. At 6th level they should become Trained in Logic saves, at 10th level they become Trained in Ego Saves, at 14th level they become Expert in Power Saves, and at 20th level they become Legendary in Fortitude or Reflex Saves (based on whichever they choose as their Key Attribute.)

Attacks: Warriors start Trained in all weapons, but unlike Fighters, they actually become Expert in all weapon families when at third level and then Master with all of them when they get Weapon Mastery. Then at 11th level they choose one Melee family to become Legendary with, and then at 14th level they become Legendary with one Ranged Family.

Defenses: Progress as normal start as normal

Skills: Start as normal, get a skill advance to spend every odd level starting at 3rd level.

Class DC: Progress as Fighter as well. Start the same

Training Dice: This like many martial classes/professions is a new trait. It starts at 1d4 and at 5th level becomes 1d6, at 9th level it becomes 1d8, at 13th it becomes 1d10, and at 17 it becomes 1d12. This dice is added to any damage the Warrior would deal with any weapon they are at least trained with. They do not have a resource system like most every other profession in the setting, but they are meant to be quite simple, sort of the entry level profession. They are what they are on the tin. So the Training Dice is as unique as it gets, making them consistently strong combatants.

Other than perhaps making new feats for the new weapons and weapon families, or other such stuff, literally warriors are fighters, fighters are warriors. So this profession is perhaps the easiest and most forgiving to overlay in either direction with PF2e.

Cover image: Ivellios Zastriel, or an artistically...generous rendering of him. by Keon Croucher Using Midjourney


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