
It is a lot harder than people would consider to allow non aquatic species the means to swim and breath and dive underwater. The diving is the especially tricky part, as the deeper you go the more difficult it is to insure the body remains intact.


Basic Effects: Weaving the flows of Uisce throughout the bodies of those you are effecting, you in a fashion alter their bodies fundamental behaviors, temporarily giving them physiology capable of surviving at depths of up to one mile under water, whilst giving their a filtering sort of capability, and even temporarily altering their bloodstream. These alterations allow them to breath in water, fresh or salt water, without choking, and their lungs can strip it of air, allowing them to function as normal, all whilst exhaling what is left via the nostrils, which act as if a one way valve like lungs. It is a complex spell-form requiring a lot of focus, and because of the extent to which it alters those affected, for as long as the spell is active they can no longer breath air. The targets also gain a natural swim speed equal to their normal movement speed.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: You may effect two additional willing creatures in range.

Tier III Effects: You may effect two additional willing creatures in range.


"I can't swim Elize!!!" yelled Duncan, the young man clearly starting to panic as he realized where the group was heading as they ran, hearing the harpies shrieking overhead.

"That won't matter Duncan, I promise, what's important here is neither can they! Now stay with me, don't hesitate, we are jumping into the bay off this ridge. Go in feet first, don't let yourself tumble, the water will be like hitting rock from this height if you do. Once in, get low, real low. Swim straight down, with me. Don't let go of my hand. When I know we are deep enough to be out of sight we'll make our way up the coast and get you home. You are about to suddenly be unable to breathe, so take a deep breath and hold it. Once we hit the water, just trust me, exhale and breathe in. You will be fine. Deep breath and jump!" Elize and the young man jumped, as did all of Elize's companions.

The fall felt like an eternity, Duncan's chest was on fire, his lungs screaming as they finally hit the water. He momentarily panicked, but didn't let go of Elize. Exhaling more by his body forcing him to than any will to follow the instructions, he breathed in, the sea water at first choking him.....wait, no. It wasn't. It wasn't at all. He breathed ever so deeply, and felt the strange process, a little bit, as the water flowed out through his nostrils, but he felt his lungs inflate and deflate. He could breathe! Underwater!! This was amazing!
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 20, Tier II: 25, Tier III: 30
Related Discipline
Sapphire Order
Related School
Related Element
Uisce {Water}
Effect Duration
Maintained, up to 8 hours
Effect Casting Time
2 actions
20 foot radius, centered on self.
Applied Restriction
Targets: Yourself and up to two willing creatures in range.


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