
A favorite spell-form for naval warfare, an absolutely devastating option on the water, though limited by that very constraint as one may expect.


Basic Effects: Drawing inspiration from the natural occurence of such phenomena and utilizing your own ability to guide and alter the paths of the Sapphire Currents, you bring the natural into the realm of a natural disaster. Upon weaving this spell-form, a monstrous maelstorm of a whirlpool begins, its currents easily in excess of 30 knots, with an amazingly strong pull. Objects and creatures within 100 feet of even the outside edges of its radius must make Agility Defensive Tests. If they fail, they are pulled that distance, and into the whirlpool. Creatures and objects in the area where the whirlpool begins must make immediate Toughness Defensive Tests. If they fail, they take 4d6 bludgeoning damage, 4d6 cold damage, and are fully submerged, restrained within the whirlpool. Even with a success, they take 1/2 damage but are not sucked down and restrained. Living creatures incapable of breathing water are at risk of drowning, naturally. The whirlpool can yank down even moderate sized vessels. The whirlpool extends down to a depth of 200 feet before the rotating currents fade. Every round the whirlpool will discharge up to three creatures or objects at random, in random directions, at random depths. Roll 20d10 to decide the depth of each discharge. Whilst trapped in the whirlpool, a creature or object is subject to the Toughness Defensive Test every round at the beginning of your turn against the damage. A creature that is not sucked down and restrained, on its turn it must, as its first action, attempt a Power Defensive Test, which if successful, is used to break free of the immediate whirlpool's currents, though they are still in the dangerous suction zone. This counts as a use of the movement action type. If they fail, they are still entrapped and cannot move that round, and all other actions are attempted against the Momentum.

On your turn, at the cost of one action, you may move the whirlpool. It has a movement speed of 50 feet.

Against inanimate objects, such as ships, the bludgeoning damage is doubled.

Ice-Blooded: If a creature caught in this spellform is Reptilian or Amphibious, or vulnerable to cold damage (a fire elemental, for example), the cold damage becomes 4d10.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: Increase the damages by 2d6 or 2d10 as appropriate

Tier III Effects: Increase the damages by 2d6 or 2d10 as appropriate.


"I'll tell ye, there ain't nothing in this world more terrifying than when ye find out someone brought a true master magister of the Sapphire ta a naval engagement. The first warnin' ye get is oft the last fer most whom feel and hear it. The jerkin' of the deck, the sudden rotational motion. Salt water spray, objects smashing ye, and the freezin' cold of the sea's embrace. The cracking and crunchin' o' yer vessel. Aye tis a terrifying thing ta experience or witness."

Words of wisdom from Thomas Kolsar, a veteran sailor and a survivor of the Battle of Pearl Bay, the only surviving member of the crew from the war ship Songbird
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 22, Tier II: 27, Tier III 32
Related Discipline
Sapphire Order
Related School
Related Element
Uisce {Water}
Effect Duration
Maintained, up to 1 minute
Effect Casting Time
2 actions
2000 feet
Applied Restriction
Target: a point in range, the ensuing whirlpool covers a radius of 100 feet.


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