Woadstrider Jotens Species in Adventures in Valerick TTRPG | World Anvil

Woadstrider Jotens

"They are not generally directly hostile, though to be fair, I've the good sense to not pick a fight when they start gesturing aggressively clearly desiring me to choose a different path and remove myself from their presence. Unlike most Joten Kin, Woadstriders are solitary creatures, generally, I would argue, of a simpler, nomadic nature, merely wishing to live their lives peacefully within the woodlands and jungles of the world. Unlike other more socially structured Joten, there are no documented cases of tribes and tribal raids on settlements or towns or caravans. Most any story of an attack or assault always seems to start with hunters, foragers, or Exemplari out and about wandering the woodlands or jungle making a general nuisance of themselves, perhaps scaring off game, trampling plants that would be excellent food sources. So naturally the creature's are upset. The truth of the matter, one we seem to struggle with, is that perhaps not all Joten fell during the Sundering, and were washed over by the Void's corruption. Perhaps some survived with a sense of decency and morality mostly intact, however they simply wish to be left alone and live simple lives in the wilderness, away from magick, away from people. Perhaps they simply don't feel they can trust us, societies whom embrace the arcane, create devices and weapons of destructive force, and study sciences across a spectrum of esoteric, dangerous and helpful. I know not, however it is a possibility worthy of consideration.

Mochi, more formally known as Montague Cuchilian Williamson Esq, a naturalist, researcher and explorer extraordinare, an excerpt from their field notes when out attempting to learn what one can of these unique Joten.

Basic Information


As with most any Joten, they appear homonid is body structure, are bipedal, but seem to have gigantism, that is they are proprotionately far larger than is normal for most any species with that sort of anatomy.

Biological Traits

Woadstrider Joten seem uniquely attached to their biome amongst Giant kind. They seem capable of in a fashion almost communicating with plant life, at least that is what it oft looks like, as well as moving through the woodlands they call home without any trace, despite their bulk and size.

Genetics and Reproduction

So far as is understood, it would seem they mate much like any other homonid and give live birth as well, much as we do. However the male does not stick around or play any part, it would seem, in child rearing, and unlike other humanoid children, born basically helpless, and remaining so for at least two to four years, that is not the case with Woadstrider Jotens. Their pregnancies are suspected to last some 14 months or so, and they give birth to a babe that will be eating solid food in weeks, and walking and running in around that same time frame. Such is their nomadic nature that it makes sense they would evolve in such a fashion.

Growth Rate & Stages

From our limited observations and understandings, it seems the young may stay with their mother for seven or eight years, during which time they will grow to adult size, learning the ways of the woodlands, and jungles. How to track, what plants are safe to eat, which are good medicines, which to avoid. How to hunt, how to hide, how to find water, where to seek shelter and shade, how to safely build fires for cooking. It does seem they cannot, contrary to many rumors and stories, eat raw meat. They do in fact cook their food. As the child ages, the mother will add to their woad tattoos and paints, seemingly unaware of the fact that what she does is in fact magick of a kind, to have them last for life wtihout fading or washing free. These patterns seem unique to each Joten in our limited research. Perhaps they help serve as identifying marks to help avoid inbreeding and courtships between mothers and sons, though if that were the case it is surprising that the species does not exhibit dual parenting such as we use, so that female children would know what their fathers look like, and their fathers know them, so as to avoid those issues in that direction as well. However we've no better theories as to the purpose of these detailed and unique woad designs.

Ecology and Habitats

Forests, woodlands and jungles.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Woadstrider Joten seem to be indelicate omnivores. What is meant with that turn of phrase is that they seem to suffer limited to no ill effects consuming plants such as Viper's Petal or Poison Ivy or even Nightshade. They seem capable of getting nutritional value from roots, branches, leaves, flowers, as well as fruit and vegetables, nuts and berries. Even treebark seems to have some benefit. They also eat bird eggs, fish, small and medium game animals of all sorts, again even seeming unbothered by things like rattlesnakes in northern forests or pit vipers or adders or the like in more tropic climes. Even dart frogs, known to be toxic, would seem to be on the menu to Woadstriders whom make their home in tropic jungle environments.

Their size sees Woadstrider Joten as solitary nomads whom will wander vast stretches of woodland/jungle, seeming tireless and unhindred entirely by the terrain or climate.


Woadstrider Joten are generally quite hostile to strangers of a sapient nature, particularly so when they are another species, generally then behaving aggressively, defensively. However unless actively looking to mate it would seem even their own kind they have no real desire to interact with, and if two adult Woadstrider Jotens cross paths, it is a guarantee that it will be a fight, or one of them will swiftly fall back along the route they came and seek an alternative destination.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Other than the sizes, proportionally speaking they look similar to humans, halfmen or even dwarves or others of the sapient groups. They have those stereotypical homonid structures, and show a wide variety, much like the groups I listed do, in things like skin tone, hair color, or eye color.

Average Intelligence

Though not stupid, comparing them to the average person in our day to day societies is an apples to oranges comparison. It is unclear if these creatures have a written language, and they certainly do not keep libraries or institutions of learning, given their independent and nomadic nature. This does not mean they are without subjects within which they demonstrate deep knowledge and understanding, such as botany, herbal medicine, animal biology within their home range, migratory routes and more. They simply live a different life, learning what is necessary to thrive in their life versus ours, and seem content with that lot in life.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

It is noted that they seem as humans when it comes to their sensory capabilities, though of course with noted adjustments for size.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Despite the noted size difference, they seem to possess many instinctual draws that we still have, despite that the reason for them are no longer as relevant in todays society. Males drawn to females with strong and broad hips and pelvis, and with noticeably large bosoms, likely because these assets aid in birth and in child rearing in that weaning period whilst the child becomes more accustomed to solid food over those first few months. Females seem drawn to displays of health and strength, likely seeking strong babies. They do not seem to possess any concept of marriage as we do, and though I would guess such as most other homonids do, they enjoy the sensation of copulation, they either take care of such needs themselves quite satisfactory indeed over most parts of their lives, or they simply are not as pleasure driven as some of the other members of the homonid families and lines. Our own guess based on some limited....discoveries at what were obviously camp or resting sites would suggest a lot of it is the former, however we have no direct evidence to be sure.

Gender Ideals

There seem to be very little direct gender ideals, given the solitary and nomadic nature of Woadstriders. Other than the obvious screaming baby in the room, which is the female rears the child. This however does not seem so much just evolution as it also is a deep desire on both adults parts to maintain their solitary nature. It does seem that there is some sembalance of a cultural significance tied to just how solitary they are in specific. I theorize that after the Sundering, perhaps these Joten's ancestors scattered and sought solitude and peace of the woodlands, seeking to avoid being exposed to the taint of the Void, knowing that they simply could no longer trust the Faei or their own kindred whom stayed in large populated groups. Perhaps this is why they are always on the move as well, and with no discernable pattern other than a massive home range. A cultural norm developed on fear and panic that has just become well normal behavior.

Courtship Ideals

A male will court a female quite dangerously when he believes she is receptive to it. Not dangerous for her of course, far from that, but dangerously for himself. He will seek to predict her movements, and likely places she will camp, trying day after day until exhaustion drops him or he gives up or is chased off by another male or the female. The exhaustion comes from what he will do. He will rush ahead, readying a camp as best he can, seeking the best foods, plants, fish, or game or some of all these, and prepare a courtship meal and encampment. When she arrives, the meal should already be on the fire and whilst it is cooking, she will inspect him, and do so in great detail and closely. She will strip him of any limited garments he may be wearing, running her hands over his body, checking strength, checking for scars, for the power in his muscles, and of course for any blemishes or marring that could indicate disease or illness.

Throughout this process, he will not let this distract him from making the meal, and will not lay a hand on her. If he tries, (as our researcher Mochi witnessed a young male do once) he will be lucky to escape her alive. Once this process is complete, they will eat, and once the meal is done one of two things will happen, the male waiting anxiously, naked. Either she will rise, and strip any limited garments she is wearing, taking her place atop him, pushing him into the dirt. Or she will have found the meal unsatisfactory, proving he does not possess good hunting and survival instincts, nor proper understanding of how to prepare the available foods within the forests they call home. If this occurs, she will rise and swiftly take up arms and at best run him off, or if he is not swift enough, kill him.

Common Dress Code

Though they do cover themselves, to call them proper garments is a stretch. It will be animal hides, woven bark garments, clearly not shaped or made for form so much as simply for protection from the elements and the woodlands itself. Simple cloaks, tunics that are little more than slip pull overs, wrapped skirt or kilt like pelts for below the waist, nothing so complex as leggings or greaves.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Woadstrider Joten can be approached though it is not suggested, if one is capable of communicating with it, whether that be by being fluent in Joten or in some other manner. However by and large they react with open hostility and many times even downright aggression to other none Woadstrider beings of a sapient nature, bit ungal or elf, dwarf or goblin, human or Faellen. It does not matter. As such they are best given a wide berth, and it is suggested to simply back down and flee if you cross paths with one as though they will act aggressively, it does seem they do so more as a defensive action, trying to scare you away, then meaning to give chase in any way. Sadly this intent is oft misunderstood, and such creatures do on occassion end up on bounty boards and as targets of mercenaries or Exemplari groups taking bounty work.
Scientific Name
Homo Titanicus Woadilum
Rough estimates place their lifespans as likely between 50-60 years, with females likely living slightly longer
Average Height
3.35-3.96 meters (11'-13') with adults being in the upper half of this and with males often being taller than females.
Average Weight
181-272 kgs (400-600 lbs) with adults generally being in the upper half of this, and with males often being heavier than females.
Average Physique
They are strong, generally of a thick and noticeably heavier build, but with an undeniable athleticism and balanced agility that honestly a creature this big, on two legs, should simply not be capable of.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Common Skin tones: Oak, Pine, Maple, Loam, Grey, Pale Cream, Snow,

Common eye colors: Soft blue, teal, loam brown, dandelion yellow, leaf green, pine green, cloudy grey

Common Hair colors: Mossy green, oak, maple, pine, loam brown, sandy brown, grey, silver, cloud white, straw yellow.

Articles under Woadstrider Jotens

Cover image: Woadstrider Joten Female Field Sketch by Keon Croucher (using midjourney)


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