Wyrd Grenade

"These are dark arts, even amongst brethern of science. I shall have to report you Jakob, for Voidstone is not a substance to be messed with.....wait what are you, are you even listening to me, Jakob!?"

Last words of a professor whom stumbled upon a student's notebook and found a formulae for something called 'a Wyrd Grenade' and realized what it was referring too.

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GM NOTE: You should be very careful when considering allowing the use of this formulae. Remember this is heavily illicit and heretical material here, and this weapon is not subtle in its effects. Voidstone is also a substance that inherently taints and corrupts over time. Using a device such as this will get you noticed, and you should thoroughly not enjoy the sort of attention you will recieve.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Craft DC: 24, Tier II; 29, Tier III; 34

Range: 60 feet

Duration: Instant, Permanent

Basic Effects: 10 foot blast radius, Dangerous (2). This device does 3d10 typeless magick damage, which means it is not effected by any resistances or reductions. However this is not the main threat. Those in the blast radius must make a Will Save. If critically failed they take double damage and roll the mutation twice, taking the higher number. If failed, they take full damage, and must roll a random mutation here; . If successful, they still take full damage. Only on a critical success do they take half damage. Mutations caused by this weapon are permanent unless removed by a Divine Cleanse Prayer Rank I or higher, or a Natural Restoration Spellform of Rank I or higher if it is a physical mutation or a Spiritual Restoration Spellform of Rank I or Higher if it is a supernatural mutation.

Rank II Effects: Mutations caused by this device now require Rank II or higher spells/prayers to undo. Blast Radius becomes 15 feet

Rank III Effects: Mutations caused by this device now require Rank III Spells/Prayers to undo. Blast Radius becomes 20 feet.
Item type
Weapon, Explosive
Raw materials & Components


  • 3 ounces of Smokepowder

  • 1 dried and powdered mind-reaver brain (Rare)

  • 1 ounce of Powdered Voidstone (Rare),
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