So any campaigns or adventure like module type things I come up with and post here will have the option of using any of these premade parties, or mixing and matching from them of course, if you do not wish to create your own characters from scratch. What one will find here will be a little artistic piece about the characters, kind of giving you insight about who they were, filling out their background and giving broad short backstory prompting that any player can shape into more specific materials. These characters will also be portrayed in narrative versions of stories and short scene-telling works in the future if I ever start doing little manuscript pieces. Each party consists of 4 characters, and to insure a fair distribution of the companion options, each party has one character with a companion creature of some sort. The three parties each have their own name in the 'pseudo-lore' but no player group should feel the need to take the party names listed here as gospel, they exist for later potential written works only, and if those written works come to exist, they should not be taken as canon in you and your game groups own lore of Valerick for your story telling if you do not wish it. Those potential short stories and other written works are merely meant to advertise the world, the settings, the places, and ideas of the sorts of cool stories and adventures people could have when playing the Adventures in Valerick TTRPG. They are only as canon as you and your game group wish them to be.