Ástía Character in Adynía | World Anvil
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Ástía was the first alútía or empress of the Sikíron Empire.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ástía was born into a relatively wealthy family of Kadríans -descendants of Góalanics in Nemirkía- in the city of Kadría. At the time, eastern Nemirkía belonged to the kingdom of Tirúlíon, one of the successor states of the old Paþarían Empire, and during Ástía's early years it was ruled by the empress Þermantía II.
After Þermantía's sudden death and her uncle Sarketor took the throne, the people of Tirúlíon became restless due to his harsh rule and disregard for religious traditions in favor of emphasizing his own divinity. Revolts broke out, the most successful one was lead by Ástía and her brothers Óþrus and Þrínus , which grew into a full fledged rebellion that Sarketor's army only halfheartedly resisted.
By 800 a.Paþ, the siblings had not only taken control of Tirúlíon, but brought a vast portion of central Adynía under their rule, and Ástía, being the eldest, was crowned empress or alútía of a new country, the Sikíron Empire. Much of her reign was focused on creating what would become the basis for the empire's current organization. Though popular among the common people, her support among the aristocracy was more mixed, mostly due Ástía's kadrían heritage.
Ástía was succeeded by her son Núsas.
Ástía alútía by Lappalingur
771 a. Paþ 840 a. Paþ 69 years old
Dark brown
Aligned Organization


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