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Basic Information


Illitharis look like normal humans, save for thier pale skin and ritualistic tattoos that they are born with. Thier most outlandish feature are the gemstones that grow in a crown around thier head as they use thier internal power more and more. The gemstone color matches with the element they end up manifesting.

Civilization and Culture


The Illithari are humans stolen from dragonkind early in their creation, their biomass was useful not only as a food source, but its malleability also made them potent psionic batteries for the Illithids in the underworld. It was the civil war of the grand minds below that allowed the first of these Illithari to escape their mental prisons and as such flee to the all corners of the underworld eventually founding a secret sanctum in the light of a great crystal. It is here they hid themselves away and locked away their psionic strength in the hopes that they will not be discovered. There were some illithids that saw the horror of what they had done, one in particular was found by one of the Illithari and was nursed back to health, even when the creature lost its memory the human gave him a name. Solomon Hancock. Eventually the memories of this being returned and with it the horror as to what he had done. It was then that Mr. H, raised up an army of humans and like-minded Illithids and fought for the freedom of all. He failed and the people he tried to save were returned to their mental prisons and Mr. H was banished to the surface, so that he might live with his failure. The Spirit of Freedom however, is not easily quelled. The witches took in this strange creature and in exchange for their care, he provided protection, until the day he could return to the underworld and free all those people from the great minds and take his place as a scion of his people and lead them out of their perpetual darkness. In the 6th era, not long ago, Mr. H got his chance, with a collection of Kalkatesh's bravest heroes, he ventured into the darkness below and with their aid, tore the mental shackles of his people asunder and forever was the underworld changed and branch of the human tree was returned to the surface and the glorious face of the sun.

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ability score increase: None
age: Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.
alignment: Humans tend toward no particular alignment. The best and the worst are found among them.
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and one extra language of your choice. Humans typically learn the languages of other peoples they deal with, including obscure dialects. They are fond of sprinkling their speech with words borrowed from other tongues: Orc curses, Elvish musical expressions, Dwarvish military phrases, and so on.
race features:
Attunement – The Illithari have strong malleable souls and therefore begin play with one additional attunement slot.  


The illithari have access to psionic abilities, inherited from their terrible existence below. This element is the one that they will manifest and what all of their abilities will be tied to. Each of these manifested elements have associated phenomena that can be activated.
Aether (Telekineticists)
(Phenomena) Mage Hand – This functions as the cantrip Mage Hand, except that, you may manipulate up to 10 + 10 per character level in lbs. You may also control this to a distance of up to 120ft. This costs 1 Shatter.
Air (Aerokineticists)
(Phenomena) Gust – This functions as the cantrip Gust except that you may effect a creature of large or lower and you may push them up to 10ft +5x character level. The DC for this strength saving throw equals 8 + your INT modifier + your proficiency bonus. The object weight that you can manipulate is equal to 5 x your character level and may be pushed up to 20ft away from you. You may also, in addition to other effects, blast yourself in a direction up to 60ft, this can be used as flight, although not gracefully and you may only travel in a straight line. This costs 1 Shatter.
Earth (Geokineticists)
(Phenomena) Mold Earth – This functions like the cantrip Mold Earth, except the portion of earth you can effect is equal to 10 + 5x characer level, you may move this earth up to 10 + 5x character level away from you. This costs 1 Shatter.
Fire (Pyrokineticists)
(Phenomena) Control Flames – This functions like the cantrip Control Flames, except that the portion of fire that you can control is equal to 10ft +5x characer level. You can expand this fire (5x character level)ft in one direction, if there are flammable materials in that direction. This costs 1 Shatter.
Water (Hydrokineticists)
(Phenomena) Shape Water – This functions like the cantrip Shape Water, except that the portion of water that you can control is equal to 10ft +5x characer level. You can expand this water (5x character level)ft in one direction. This costs 1 Shatter.


Shatter represents the stress on the characters soul to manifest phenomena. Contrary to common belief psionics is not a strange use of the mind but instead a burning of the soul. Whenever a character's Shatter becomes 0, they fall unconscious as their soul is literally shattered. They must make a special set of death saving throws that cannot be interfered with, nor can any healing stop them. Should the character fail these death saving throws and die, they instead are raised as a husk. A horrible and dangerous monster that seeks to drain the souls of those around it.
  A character has an amount of Shatter equal to Attunement Slots + Proficiency Bonus
  You regain your proficiency bonus in Shatter whenever you complete a long rest.
Prerequisite: In order to begin play as a Human Illithari, you must be a member of the Great Coven, World Wanderers, or Night Guard.
To join the Night Guard at Level 1 a Human Illithari must undertake the Crimson Crucible. When they do so they may ignore the stat prerequisites necessary to undertake it, but cannot receive any additional aid from any source. This includes Origin and Faith.


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