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Notes from Crol

Crol (a.k.a. Your boss, maybe you should start listening to me some day, [TRANSLATION UNAVAILABLE])

Audio Note recorded on █/11023

Fuck you, "fah idiotvyi lig" [TRANSLATION UNAVAILABLE] , I know you will read this.
If you want to keep tabs on me so bad, at least make it hard to decrypt.
Or better, next time, just ask me, for fucks sake. It's not like we met yesterday.
Ah, while I'm here and recording tgis, let me edit some of your entries. Maybe I'll even add some. Let's just say this is my present for you, I'm in a good mood today. It's not like you turn 100 every day, eh?
Maybe I'll even q-


Written Note Sent on █/11023

AHAHA, look at this. This is from all the back then when we first started Crypticorps and one of us started to make an fucking ad! For bounty hunting! I can't imagine anyone like you seeing that and being like 'Ah yes, I shall contact them.' or something, can you, "fah idiotvyi lig" [TRANSLATION UNAVAILABLE] ?

[End of Note]

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Pretty healthy for someone in my line of work. Most of my colleagues have at least a few chronic illnesses by now. Not me though, all my scars are from cybernetic implants.

Body Features

Probably my tattoos? It's pretty handy to have knowledge of your current solar system on your arm, though.

Facial Features

Uh, you once told me that my freckles are pretty weird. Even though I KNOW for a fact that your species has them too.
Sometimes I don't even know if you're fucking with me or not.

Identifying Characteristics

My incredible charm! Or the fact that the ICA is still telling their new recruits about me and that I'm technically still a wanted man.
Pfft, as if some new blood could lay a finger on me when ever the highest ups never could. Ridiculous.

Special abilities

My magical skills are pretty high for someone like me. Still, no match for someone who grew up with it, though, I'm sure.

Specialized Equipment

I recently updated my implants on my back, if that counts?

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Well, what is there to say?
Oh, I once heard someone describe me pretty accurately. Let me see if I can find the audio file.
He's intelligent, brave, not so humble and perhaps a little too rude. Which isn't out of the ordinary for someone with his position.
I mean, fair enough? Still cant figure out whether they ended up liking me or not. They did decline my job offer, which was a shame.

Gender Identity

Okay, seriously, what is that? Do I have to take another lesson in human stidies, what does that even mean. You humans have such weird terms sometimes.


Since when did my love life ever interest you? I know about your lack of interest regarding relarionships, but I wouldn't have guessed you had any interest about me in that regard. To be honest, I'm surprised that you even remember that people can like others outside of work environments, Mrs. "I work alone and only talk to others if I have to".


I have you known that I was a professor at the ICA, once!
Well, before it was the ICA, but actually more of an academy. My point still stands, though.



Failures & Embarrassments

Ever accepting you as an employee, [TRANSLATION UNAVAILABLE].
You can be quite the trouble maker, if you want to be. Be grateful that I didn't kick you out after the first stunt you pulled, y'know? I still have the guy's complaint about you somewhere.


You trying to bribe me with another of your 'probably not poisonous to me' nicotine things. I won't get why some species smoke that, ESPECIALLY YOU. I have you know that I'm aware that this is unhealthy for humans, too.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

If you ever feel like being less of an absolute annoyance than usual, do me a favour and get some more of the alcohol you had with you last time.
I think it was... wine? Sorry again about stealing the last drink you had with you.
Next time I maybe could leave you some of my left overs, or at least replace it with some of my cheap stuff. And before you complain, it's not like your taste buds can taste a difference, anayway. It's only fair.
Not sure if it's poisonous though, I'll get up the ingredients. All of the ingredients were found back when humans were on earth though, it should be fine. I think it's number 4 on here, I read it last night. Best traditional Earth dishes: Top 10 must-try drinks & foods in 11023! :)


Religious Views

I was in that weird "Mask" cult, once. Can you believe it, [TRANSLATION UNAVAILABLE]? Ah, to be young and stupid. Still, almost lost my fucking face to a smiley implant, though. I'm lucky I got away when I did. I heard they're still around, maybe I'll go read up on them tomorrow.

Social Aptitude

I still have the bad habit of speaking in [LANGUAGE UNAVAILABLE??], sometimes I switch to Common. Pretty rude, considering I'm fluent in most languages in this galaxy. Did that ever bother you, [TRANSLATION UNAVAILABLE]?


Some say that I tend to say things that the common translator AI can't pick up on. Especially when I'm drunk? I don't really see it though, I'm not really that well-spoken, am I? What do you think, little [TRANSLATION UNAVAILABLE] , am I an eloquent person? I can't see it.

Hobbies & Pets

My blood back home had an uh... morally ambigeous 'pet' when I was small.
Not that I still consider them a pet, though! I just didn't realize that humans were sentients, too, y'know? Wait, you-
Haha, anyways. I liked to take care of my neighbours cat, too. I think that's what humans called them when they still lived on earth? By now, I think it was genetically modified, but we thought it was pretty legit back then.

Wealth & Financial state

I would say I'm pretty well off.
Still, I'm not rich by any means, so don't try to "borrow" some credits again. I mean it!


Legal name:

Oh, we getting personal now? Last time I checked, you hated that I know your legal name. Don't start acting acting hypocritic, now, "fah idiotvyi lig" [TRANSLATION UNAVAILABLE].


Pronouns? Uhhhh... what? Is this some weird human thing?
HA! I was looking for a picture to put here, and I found an old photo that was taken back when the ICA just started.
Check it out:
Ah, good times, eh? Kinda sad to know you weren't even alive back then, you would have had a grande time. Even "Lauy" [TRANSLATION UNAVAILABLE], as my blood back home would say.
Date of Death
HA! You wish
Year of Birth
10923 T/A 114 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
The god of creation felt lonely, haha
Current Residence
Space Station of Sector 324e48d7-dd5a-46ab-b95e-ab43c6b2e982
functional? not that I plan on having my own blood soon, though
white-blue-ish? I'll be honest, I only ever called it "laučwab" [TRANSLATION UNAVAILABLE]
Pigment-less, if you believe what my hair dye says. It's more grey, maybe white on a good day.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Weirdly Human-like (no front, "fah idiotvyi lig" [TRANSLATION UNAVAILABLE])
Dunno, actually
Quotes & Catchphrases
Oh, it's actually bull. Imagine you just said the coolest shit that was ever said in the whole time that anyone was alive, ever, and then all the enemies hear are this:
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
If your translator ever breaks, I'm your man. I know almost every language, dialect and slang if this galaxy.
Seriously though, I even know Common in the nearest 4 galaxies. Maybe 6, if you squint.

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