Qindan Kuldisir Character in Aecenys | World Anvil
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Qindan Kuldisir


Born a wood elf within the whisperwoods of northwestern Nosirien, he soon became subject to the intense influence of Silvestris, and over hundreds of years transformed into a fey eladrin. However, unlike many other eladrin who remain in the outer planes, Qindan has very much decided to stay in the material plane and exert his influence. His ties to nature and his desire to protect it have made him into a powerful force against those who wish ill will upon it. Therefore, it was he who founded the organization Eldergrove, and recruited many in the region to champion his cause. Qindan operates outside the domain of other fey, and although he has been asked many times, he has refused to join the Eventide Court which rules over Silvestris and has its own agenda in Unum.    As a former wood elf, Qindan was once calm and level-headed. However because of the transformative properties of Silvestris, he now alters not only his outward appearance but also his personality shifts with the seasons. In winter he can be cold and bitter while in the summer, he may be angry and hot-tempered. It is best to catch Qindan in spring, when he is optimistic and forward-looking, preferring to encourage his members within his organization to help regrow nature and foster joy and progress. While his pre-eminant rank of Verdant may be intimidating in other seasons, his spring form engages with even the newest Saplings and Greenwards. It is during spring that he is most generous with his quests and rewards, while failure during summer may result in retribution.

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

Qindan believes in the preservation and sustainability of nature in its entirety. It is therefore his firm belief that civilization encroaches on that mission, and that expansion for the sake of expansion should be culled and mitigated. He is not an enemy of humans, dwarves and others who have made it their culture to reside in expansive cities and holds, but he understands a balance must be kept. As a wood elf, he would stay secluded in his forest, far away from prying eyes. However, when he transformed to an eladrin, Qindan became aware of the ramifications of an ever expanding civilzation and what that meant to the ecosystem in which he lived. He then ventured forth across many facets of the wilderness to understand how nature can be protected. Violence is not always the answer, but is an answer, and the eladrin will do whatever it takes to ensure Finerdhil's domain on Unum is not destroyed.
Current Location
Aligned Organization


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