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Angàil an Domhain (Ancient Ferdian: [ ᚛ᚐᚅᚌᚐᚔᚂ ᚐᚅ ᚇᚑᚋᚆᚐᚔᚅ᚜ ])

"The Breath of the World", "The Spirits of the Wild"

The Grand Spirits of Ancient Times:


The wilds are ruled by many spirits, each representing the pinnacle of an animal within it. Astòr of Aedelwynn have studied for millennia under these illustrious creatures, and followed the harmony of nature. Stòr dedicate their lives to these twelve spirits, asking one for prophecy, or the other for protection, and so on. Offerings, and sacrifices in the rarest of cases, are given in their name to worship them and empower oneself. For example, offerings may be made to the Spirit of the Whale for good health and a safe pregnancy. Warriors tattoo their bodies with emblems of the Boar, Eagle, Bear and Wolf to grant them power during war. Hunters favour the spirit of the Stag, etc.   Yet all descend from one great Breath that was expired when the world and land was still young, and through it the Grand Flame was born: the fires of the soul within which all beings dwell and draw warmth. The Breath is the beating of the heart, the flow of the earth, and songs of the winds and roar of water. Through it all things live, die, and return to the lands. The Breath slumbers and lets its children oversee the wellbeing of its creation in a silent, motherly kindness that envelops all things. It is thus one and many, both the things from which all life was born, and the progenitor of the Spirits of the Land, who represent it in all things. Though there are many more than just twelve, for each blade of grass and each river stream has its own, it is believed that a spirit whose essence is bound to the Greater Spirits will answer should an Astòr or practionner pray to their masters. Like the leader of a herd will grant unto its favored mortal one of their mares.


"The Breath has been known to present itself in two fashions: through the Spirits that are formed from its bosom, and the Flames of the soul that dwell within every creature and everything. Whilst voiceless, it yearns to aid, and to put to rest the pleas and violence done to its matron, the World. Thus it may bequeath upon whoever it wishes the powers of flame, or the guidance of the Spirits. Your duty, as Astòr, is to know when to soothe the Spirits' wrath and when to call upon their aid when dealing with the whims of An Sidhe, and the turmoil of mortals."
- Astòr Jhorus 'Runestaff' An Aoire

The Twelve Spirits of the Land:

The Spirits of the Land are the embodiment of Aedelwynn's very will. Though they number twelve, they are divided into the Sky, the Sea, the Woods (Earth) and Fire. Mortals gifted in the Song or Flow can call upon the twelve Spirits to their aid, who will favour them in all things tied to their domain. Most Astòr know rituals and incantations practiced over the course of decades that can call upon the elemental powers of these mighty creatures.
-= Spirits of the Skies =-
The Spirit of the Eagle, embodiment of retribution and punishment: Hers is the storm, the thunder and the roars of lightning. Ever dying and being reborn amidst the clouds, the Eagle courses the stormy skies of Aedelwynn, seeking those who deserve to be punished. She is depicted in stories of yore to be a great six-winged eagle that soars within the skies and dives in the clouds. Her fury knows no bounds, and her trail is followed by the powerful lights of lightning that tip the edges of her silver wings in dangerous sparks. It is said that her scream signals the beginning of storms, and her talons are the sharp bite of the wind. Followed by her company of smaller birds of prey, they mingle, dance and fly along her in a cloud of dement lightning that rips the skies apart with the force of storms. She is called upon whenever criminals of despicable nature roam the land, or cruel beasts torment the people, and brings about retribution by striking down her foes with thunder and lightning, invoking the weather as her ally and tearing apart her adversaries with talons, beak, wings and limbs alike.
The Spirit of the Ram, embodiment of law and oaths: He is oft seen and described as a large, opulent ram that stands tall upon his four hooves. Adorned with a long, flowing garb of dark grays and maroon furs, the Ram bears also bright golden lines that inscribe the fur in abstract patterns similar to Fernian writings that Astòr use to depict the story of the Gods and their creation, though these change and alter in function of the requests that are asked of him. It is said that bright yellow eyes of the Ram cover his body with a myriad of various pupils, granting his master the foresight of all that happens, will happen or has happened upon the land. His horns are of pale silver, and twist with a sprouting spiral in circles, thought to be ever growing and decreasing within that infinite spiral. The Ram is seen as the protector of traditions, the advocate of just kingship and law as well as the guardian of land and mountain. He is mostly called upon to bring about just judgement before those who would dirty the name of the Elders and break the rightful traditions and rules.
The Spirit of the Auroch, embodiment of festivity and wisdom: He was once an ordinary auroch, until the dew of the Gods fell into the stream he was drinking from. The blessed rain awakened the Spirit, who from hereon has been the symbol of commerce, festivity and understanding. Or so the legend goes. The spirit of the Auroch represents the calm after the storm, and the lull of the squall. Constantly drunk, the Auroch's inspiration draws from the sacred dew that drips from his thick mahogany fur, not needing flesh as sustenance rather mead, and others alike. He commands the free mind and inspiration of the craftsmen, as well as innovation within the bounds of law and for the good of the people. His nuzzle has become silver, from an eternity of drinking and feasting, its hooves gained an ivory-like hue from walking amongst the crystal clear clouds and its eyes are of an arborescent gold. He comes down onto the Land to present craftsmen and the like with newfound and unmatched inspiration and thrift for the works to come, governs the calm weathers and feasts of mortals.
-= Spirits of the Depths =-
The Spirit of the Whale, embodiment of life and fertility: The spirit of the Whale depicts and fosters the all life within the waters of the Land, being born of the remnants of the primordial Sea.Her mouth inhabits the first eggs of sea life, and it was she who from sand and shells made marine lfie. Her hums and songs resonate into a melodious lullaby that can be heard when going underwater, or by pressing an ear against a seashell. She is often depicted as a great smiling whale of opal-like hues, adorned with seashells and jewels alike that resonate with beautiful myriads of colors, creating a painting of thousands shades running through the ocean. Her eyes are great, and bear a profound soft blue, akin to some of the greater oysters and shells that grow upon her back. A wonderous afterlife in which souls can rest after a life at sea. It’s rainbow of buildings and estates are sung in many legends. The Whale governs the sea and the deep realms of the oceans, watching over both marine life and the currents she creates. She is requested upon by sailors and fishermen for good travel, as well as prayed to by many An Muerrow.
The Spirit of the Wolf, embodiment of protection and wrath: Alongside the Whale, and the Stag, the Wolf is one of the eldest known spirits of the Land. He prowls the coastline, ever looking towards the horizon, defending the bridge between realms, and the border between land and seas. From a distance, none cannot recognise his opalescent fur, rustling back and forth with each movement of the waves he emerged from. He shimmers like the milky white interior of a sea shell, or the swallowing maws of the seabed, when the sun shines through the ocean’s intestines. Although he was born of the primordial Sea, it is said the Wolf had a lover, whom he will defend to the death. None other than she will every successfully tame him. The Wolf rips and maws with claws and teeth of sharpened stone. He represents the treacherous reefs, that devour and splinter the ships of elves and men. He rules over rough waves and hull tipping swells, and will hunt down any and all who dare defy the Ocean's benevolence. The Wolf is called upon by sailors not in praise, but fear for their lives. Many widows and widowers invoke his name in ire and desperation hoping for some kind of brutal retribution, should they have been wronged. He is often considered as one of the most powerful of the Great Spirits.
The Spirit of the Mare, embodiment of peace and victory: The Mare emerges from the sea at dawn, and returns to it at dusk, raining down upon those below her and bestowing wealth of light and nurture to crops and land. She is embidoment of rain, and sunlight. Her hooves burn the air itself, akin to bright sunrays to let the fish see in the depths, and the water dripping from her mane water the fields below. The Mare is depicted as a tall, white mare of opal-like hue that course over her body in various shades of blankness. Her mane is of a translucent white gold, that seems to shine bright alike the Sun's, and her hooves also glows with such iridescent light. hiannon bears in her sockets opulent and profound blue irises that gleam during night and day alike. The Mare rules over the soft rays of the sun, and ensures that heat, while minor in the North, still prevails during the time of the day. She is called upon for the growth of good crops and the appearance of light, as well as long days. She bridges the Sea and the Skies, and causes the northern lights above, an omen of victory for all the restless souls who cry for better days.
-= Spirits of the Woods =-
The Spirit of the Hare, embodiment of omens and prophecy: None can truly see this spirit’s fleeting form, he flashes and furrows across forests and bogs, on an eternal and never ending chase. A chase after Time. The Hare is the collector of souls, the one who brings each and every deceased’s spirit in the hands of the Stag, that they might be given proper rest, judgement and punishment if necessary. Spirals, plumes and volutes of wisp-like matter form his body, seemingly eternal ears sprout from his head. They trail behind him and disappear into the air without a single trace. The Hare’s eyes are a bright silver shimmer, that pierce through the forest’s thickets and bushes. The Hare runs after Time itself- the worm that changed the world. As he does, he listens onto the old creature’s ramblings, its mutters about destiny and the fate of every man and women. None can truly comprehend the Wyrm’s speech but the Hare himself. He notes down the names of the nearly dead, the fall of empires and the withering flora. He is called upon for the sale passage of souls, and by some in an attempt to cheat death - although the Trickster Hare will always wriggle his way out of any trap, enigma or scheme. Most often, however, the Hare is called upon when seeking prophecy and omens.
The Spirit of the Stag, embodiment of death and survival: Born from primordial land, the Stag is the eldest of the Greater Spirits for he came alongside life and punctuates its end. The Whale shaped the depths of the Sea, whilst the Stag grew the tall darkest depths of the woodlands that inhabit the frozen lands of the North. He is the one that brings unfathomable, unavoidable death to the living, leaving the Hare to collect what remains. He resembles a great moose or stag made of twigs and roots and rock knotted one upon the other, resembling otherworldly patterns. They all bear a darkened gray or black hue, while some gleam with an ethereal silver light- generally stemming from the eyes. They themselves glow with an iridescent pale shine, and signify death when made looked upon. The antlers in this form take on a much more imposing stature, growing to several dozen of feet wide and high. The night is where his dominion reigns, for he governs the survival of everything that lives, and brings death to all those that have been felled in battle, or by any other means. His is a benevolent eye upon the great forests of Aedelwynn, and takes great pride in hunters and their deeds. The Stag is prayed to for good hunts, sighting of unearthly beasts, and to hunt those who refuse the embrace of death. Often is he considered as one, if not the most, powerful of all Great Spirits.
The Spirit of the Bear, embodiment of maternity and dreams: Between the swords, shields and various weapons that cling to men, is a strong, proud bear that roars to rattle the spirits of men. The Bear is a large, powerful bear made of darkened roots that mingle and intertwine between each other, spread by patterns of bones, ivory and thick skeletal scars that line their body. A pair of silver, gleaming eyes glistened in the sunlight with an ethereal trail that follows the spirit. The Bear strolls upon the fields of war, vanquishing and venturing between fighters and supporting the soldiers of just cause with both body and skill. She is often seen as the representation of the honor, beauty and thrill of the conflict between men. However when the hours of dusk arrive, and the fighting ceases, the bear retreats to the hearth and home of the soldiers, readying the warriors for the future battles, to give them peace of mind and steady their blades. She also comforts the widow and the children, eating away bad dreams and thoughts with a powerful matrimonial instinct, priding herself on the integrity of matrimony and marriage. The Bear is often called upon by widows and widowers for safe passage to the afterlife for their husband or wife, contacted by soldiers to strengthen themselves for the next battle. Most often is she seen as a mostly benevolent spirit, worshipped and called upon for morally good reasons.
-= Spirits of the Flame =-
The Spirit of the Hound, embodiment of loyalty and heroism: The Hound resembles a wolfhound of copper-like furs: a harsh, metallic pelt that covers her body. With heavy steps and a powerful presence, she is said to be quite the force to be reckoned with, a pair of ardent eyes adorns her skull that blaze with a powerful flame. Her roars and mouth also share this heat, often depicted as molten metal burning with eternal heat. Though she is said to be a kind-hearted and warm spirit, she represents an essential asset of the Breath's teachings: valor and deeds of the heroes told in ballads and tales. With each tale, legend and ballad does the Hound grow both in presence as well as in warmth, her infamous maw infernally heating into molten minerals as she does. She accompanies the warbands into their great adventures, infusing their spirit with glory and pride of their deeds and their greatness to come, aggrandises their thirst for adventure, and protects them with both her body, and her life. She is called upon by aspirant 'heroes' and by men and women whose deeds are worthy of ballads and tales, while her domain majorly extends to heroism and loyalty, as well as great adventures.
The Spirit of the Raven, embodiment of knowledge and secrets: The most beloved of the Spirits, the Raven is a great iron winged and ebony bird, whose eyes shine with the malicious, mischievious fire of hiddens knowledge and lore, ashes flickering from their trail and gaze. As he flies, the harsh scratching and cacophony of iron can be faintly heard, though Raven is rarely seen in his bird-like form, more so represented. The Raven is adored for he is a bard, a storyteller, and takes the shape of mortals to dance and sing and walk amongst them. This spirit wanders into towns, villages and settlements, garbed in travelling and wandering clothes and ebony hair, and over it all, a patchwork cloak of many colours and designs. However, should he be called upon, he will manifest as his winged self, and soar to the aid of his summoner. Of all his powers, his cunning and way with words might be the greatest of them all, being one of the few to bestow in whispers knowledge of Ogham and Runes. He can be contacted upon by bards, and nearly anyone who wishes for some heroism and esoteric adventures in their life. His powers extend to the culture, legends, folklore and beliefs of the people, sculpting them over the years.
The Spirit of the Boar, embodiment of courage and ambition: Harshest amongst all spirits is the Boar, for the nature he represents is not one given, but acquired alone. He favours the bold, the brave, and the stern; thus he cares little for the pleas of mortals and only manifests to those with confidence and bravery to surface from their fears. The Boar defends also the travels and caravans of mortals across the frigid wastelands of Aedelwynn, granting warmth to those ambitious enough to brave the wilderness. The Boar is often depicted as a gargantuan beast, whose fur is merged into metallic knots, unable to freeze or bend, along with a pair of light ardent eyes, a trail of flame sprouting from its gaze. The tusks are spiked and armored with thorns of darkened iron, said to ravage any who dare stand in its path. It is thought that the Boar may not speak, as a powerful stoicness is kept about him yet the Spirit remains is deviously intelligent. This Spirit extends it’s reach to the domains of travelling, vagabonds and merchants, endorsing trade over more than most, favoring the boldness of travellers and rangers.


"O, chì, chì mi na mòrbheanna;
O, chì, chì mi na còrrbheanna;
O, chì, chì mi na coireachan,
Chì mi na sgorran fo cheò.
Chì mi gun dàil an t-àite 'san d' rugadh mi;
Cuirear orm fàilte 'sa chànan a thuigeas mi;
Gheibh mi ann aoidh agus gràdh nuair ruigeam,
Nach reicinn air thunnachan òir."
- "Chì mi na mòrbheanna"

Methods, Consequences & Summoning

The Flow and Song:

The Song (Kènaenn): To give way to the Breath is akin to submerging oneself into a river stream, and letting oneself flow through the torrents, rapids and soothing waters within. It is an intoxicating feeling, to be connected to all and everything at once, yet it is dangerous and does not come naturally. Mortals were never meant to harness this power, or so many thinkers understand, yet Spirits come to the aid of those who know how to speak in their tongue, and listen to their song. As such, it requires both embrace and control of oneself. This is best applied to the Spirits of the Seas, and the Storm.   The Flow (Landhiad): For some, letting oneself go is a dangerous endeavour, that may result in the destruction of the mind, and their own Spirit. Rather than embrace, they would rather stand firm, and face the adversity that comes with the Breath's voracious current. When dealing with some Spirits, such resilience and force of will is critical to survival. Practitionners of the Flow know how best to work against the brutality of their charges. It is not a capability many can perform, those who do have gone through centuries of practice, discipline, and resilience to wrestle the powers of the Flame. As such, it requires an iron conviction and knowledge of one's limits. This is best applied to the Spirits of Fire, and the Earth.
The Rupture:

Overexertion (Gor-Ymdrech):
Even the mightiest Astòr cannot keep power over the Land for too long. Only Gods, Spirits and beings chosen to have incredible Power can do so. Mortal practitionners can only commit to harnessing the Breath for so long before their own body breaks and falters under the exhaustion of the Spirits imbueing their soul, or the weight of the connection they have drawn out. At this point, the wielder of the Breath can no longer call or harness anything, and becomes powerless. Should they continue, they may even suffer from severe backlash.
  Backlash (Hadlach):
Many people have claimed that backlash is punishment for the hubris of mortals that seek to draw more power than they are conceded. Astòr believe this to be true, and as such emphasise both restraint and caution with regards to harnessing the Breath. The truth might be elsewise, but it is a convenient story that keeps practionners safe. Regardless of the method employed, backlash is a brutal physical and spiritual pain that leaves the wielder crippled for elongated periods of time, akin to an arrow wound in the stomach. Depending on the nature of the spirit, the backlash can manifest in multiple ways: for example, a fire Spirit will grieviously burn the arms of the Astòr who tries to harness more than he is due. Suffer from backlash too much, and the wielder is then Ruptured from the Breath.
  Rupture (Rhwygo):
Being ruptured from the Breath is a painless thing, physically at least. One's soul has called too much, and the body has suffered so much damage that they can no longer call upon the Breath's spirits. Being ruptured means to be forever devoid of a connection to life and nature itself. It leaves a void in people's souls that can only be filled by unhealthy obsessions or other fell methods. Ruptured Astòr are cared for by their brethren (though some would rather sacrifice them to appease the Spirits), whilst commonfolk grow distant, dark and sallow. The Breath is present in all things, even when one does not harness or embrace it, and to be broken away from such a thing is a terrible fate. Some claim only death can truly heal a Ruptured mortal, others believe time and effort might make them accept their new state.

Summoning the Spirits:

Incantations and methods are often never enough to summon the spirits of the Land themselves. Ogham, runes, sigils and engravings must be used in order to properly harness the Breath and prevent it from submerging or consuming the practioner. This is especially important when dealing with power that can shape the Land to a drastic degree, and may topple the balance of power. Summoning is a ritualistic process, that may be prepared in advance through the inscription of incantations and symbols on items and materials that are favoured by these spirits. Doing such will lessen the threat of overexertion or backlash.
  • Spirits of the Skies : Cloth, wool, or linen woven with silver thread. Alternatively lightning glass.
  • Spirits of the Depths : Driftwood, sea shell, or whalebone carved with an bone knife. Alternatively dead coral.
  • Spirits of the Woods : Old wood, carven stone, or root wood carved with a iron knife. Alternatively obsidian.
  • Spirits of the Flame : Iron, bronze, or tin engraved with oak handled iron graver. Alternatively gold.
Alternatively, a practionner or Astòr can spend time chanting and engraving the secret name of the Spirit they wish to call upon, using liquids such as animal/mortal blood, paint, or ashes. However once the ritual is complete, all materials used will be consumed by the Grand Flame and never reappear. This doesn't include the surface used for the ritual. Usually, the Spirit will manifest itself and enact upon the intent of its summoner, or send an emissary to do so. From then, it might even refuses should it consider the action against its principles, though most Spirits are neutral in truth.
Metaphysical, Elemental
Credit to: VARDA

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Cover image: The Return by Eytan Zana


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