Human Species in Aedes | World Anvil
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Humans are one of the eight known sentient races that inhabit Aedes. They can be found just about everywhere, and are the default point of comparison for all other races.  
This article is going to be sparse relative to those of other races. If the information isn't specified, go with your assumption—we all know what humans are like.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Humans have a single given name. Depending on the culture, they will likely have some sort of surname or epithet for further identification; lower-class humans are likely to only have the given name.  
Human name inspiration varies depending on the culture:
  • Patrians and Bracarans have Roman-sounding names.
  • People from the Kerranon League have Greek-sounding names.
  • Baravai names are Turkish or Arabic in origin.
  • Acathan names are Etruscan in origin.

Major Organizations

The largest predominantly-human societies in the known world are the Patrian Empire and the Kerranon League.

Average Technological Level

Human society has progressed about as far as the Bronze Age; they do not yet have access to iron, save through the dwarves.   Thanks to the actions of the Final Secret, the average human now has access to some amount of magical knowledge. Human priests are still considerably more advanced on this front, however.


Human recorded history begins circa 1000 BR in the city of Bracara, the oldest human settlement in Aedes.
75 years
Average Height
5 feet, 9 inches
Average Weight
160 lbs
Related Ethnicities
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