Sarru Character in Aedes | World Anvil
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The Builder

Sarru is the god of civilization and empire. He is chief among the River Kingdoms' deities, and his priests set the official doctrine for the pantheon as a whole.

Divine Domains

Sarru governs the abstract values of civilization, law, and structure, as well as the physical masonry and carpentry that makes up the world's cities. His miracles can grant authority and courage, shape or rework wood and stone, help groups of people work in tandem with each other, or create unbreakable barriers. His priests can also administer binding oaths, which punish those who break them.   Sarru's focus on order and structure makes him the chief god of the Patrian Legions, whose shieldwalls rely on cooperation and strict discipline.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Sarru's followers are dedicated to the maintenance of civilization, both within the River Kingdoms and other nations. His priests often serve as advisors to powerful political figures, giving them the authority of Sarru's implied blessing as well as their administrative input.
Divine Classification


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