Skaya Species in Aedes | World Anvil
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Skaya (SKY-uh)

Skaya (plural: Skaya) are a domesticated species of large rodent that can be found throughout Aedes, particularly the southern portions. They are of particular use to kobolds, who farm them for their fur, meat, and hides.

Basic Information


Skaya closely resemble a larger capybara with curlier, wool-like fur.

Genetics and Reproduction

Skaya are capable of breeding year round, but activity peaks in the rainy season of late Ekmaia. Litters take half a year to gestate and consist of 2-8 pups. They wean in a season, and are capable of reproduction around 1.5 years of age.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Skaya can forage for food in virtually any environment; they require surprisingly little sustenance, and their snouts make them particularly adept at digging, allowing them to reach nutritious roots and fungi.
15 years
Average Height
2.5 feet
Average Weight
130 lbs
Average Length
5 feet


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