Therian Species in Aedes | World Anvil
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Therians are one of the eight known sentient races that inhabit Aedes. Animal-headed humanoids, they hold a strict caste system. The state religion of their theocracy is the dominant religion throughout Patria.  
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Basic Information


Therians have the proportions of humans, but have animal heads instead.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Therians have a single given name. Sets of names tend to be reserved for certain castes; to give too high a name is presumptuous, and too low a name disgraceful. Family names are common among the higher castes, and denoted with the prefix "Khet-"  
Therians from the River Kingdoms have Egyptian-sounding names.
  Therian priests are given honorific titles in the High Speech corresponding to the god they serve, denoted with the prefix "Akh-". For instance, a priest of Sarru would be referred to with the surname "Akhsarru".

Major Organizations

The River Kingdoms are the largest majority-Therian society in Aedes. Therians can be found in virtually every human civilization, particularly throughout the Patrian Empire.


Therian recorded history begins around 1300 BR in the River Kingdoms.
70 years
Average Height
5 feet, 8 inches
Average Weight
155 lbs
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