Poison or venom courses through your veins, ravaging your body from the inside. At the start of each of your turns you suffer damage equal to the Poison Damage Dice of the poison in question, then make another Save against the poison to see if your body recovers. If you succeed, the Poison Damage ends.
Particularly Potent Poisons (and venoms)
Some poisons might also cause additional side effects. Which of these side effects are also within the poison is up to the GM's discression.
Delayed Onset
Some poisons are not immediate. For these poisons, the victim does not suffer any effects until after the Delayed Onset time has passed.
E.g. Delayed Onset: 1 minute.
Minimum Effect
These poisons are extremely deadly, frequently bypassing the immune system of their victims. If the victim fails their initial Save against the poison, then they cannot attempt another Save until after the Minimum Effect has taken place.
E.g. Minimum Effect: 1d4 rounds pass.
Lengthy Recovery
These poisons tend to have lingering effects, even after the victim recovers. Lengthy Recovery only applies to victims who fail their initial Save against the poison.
E.g. Lengthy Recovery: for 1d4 days after recovering from the poison, the victim's body is feverish and shaky. They cannot have less than 3 Exhaustion Levels until after the Lengthy Recovery period.
Side Effects
These poisons do more than just kill. Some such poisons are highly valued for their useful, nonlethal effects. Unless stated otherwise, the side effects stay until the victim begins Recovery. Note that many Lengthy Recoveries also extend the Side Effects duration.
E.g. Side Effects: the target becomes severely dizzy. While suffering the poison's effects, they are Nauseated.