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Ashai (a.k.a. The Shifting Seasons)

Ashai, also known as The Shifting Seasons, is the Patron Deity of the T'Chai people, and the Goddess of Seasons, Dawn/Dusk and Twilight. She created the T'Chai to worship the seasons, as she always found the seasons elegant. She created the T'Chai like that, elegant, kind and the keepers of the Seasons. Serene a graceful, Ashai is known amongst the Pantheon for these qualities. During the Uprising Wars, Ashai often came to blows with the Corrupted Hearts and assisted Forithen a lot in those battles. She has a "sisterly" attitude towards Forithen, especially as the creator of the Feywild. He knows that he suffers a lot of conflicts with the Corrupted Heart over the balance between the Shadowfell and the Feywild. Whenever she can, Ashai will always assist Forithen in his efforts to protect the Feywild. She respects Forithen's bravery and courage when it came to deserting the Shackled Pantheon before the War, as it's something that takes a lot of guts.   Overall, is a loving and caring Goddess who cares for her followers and for the T'Chai.   The Shifting Seasons
The Bluebird

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

The divine symbol of Ashai is of a blue branch with bright green leaves. These leaves look vaguely similar to a T'Chai's horns.

Tenets of Faith

Cleric Alignment

T'Chai of any alignment but Evil alignments.
  • Lawful Good
  • Lawful Neutral
  • Neutral Good
  • Neutral

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Divine Goals

Ashai's main goal, like many of the Pantheon is to ensure that peace and prosperity amongst the world is maintained. She often works a lot with the Stringbearerto iron out any time anomalies that might arise within the world. However, her utmost goal is the survival of the T'Chai people. She saw the pain and suffering the people went through under the Seasonal Wars, and any chance she'll get she will try and save her people. She fears that is the next Sufferer wins their bout against the Champion, that the T'Chai people might be eliminated, and she's trying at all costs to ensure that the Sufferer does not win.

Church Boons

+1 Wisdom

Lip Service

Skill Proficiency - Medicine or Nature
Divine Classification
Patron Deity
Baby Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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