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Darknai, also known as The Discourse, is the Goddess of Division, Unrest and Lust. One of the last of the Peccatorum (The Seven Sorrowful Sins) to be created, Draknai was created with the original purpose to instill discord within the Solar Pantheon and their armies during the Uprising Wars. Known to be extremely smart, cunning, tenacious, all the skills of a predator, she has successfully dismantled more states herself than any war or political upheaval in the world. Next to Lolth, she is thought to be the most powerful and most dangerous Peccatorum in the Pantheon. Able to coerce commoners to rebel, she surprisingly does good in terms of dismantling oppressive regimes and governments. However, with times now... somewhat peaceful, Draknai now lays low, causing turmoil where she can and creating balance.    The Discourse
The Folly of Man
The Bane

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The divine symbol of Draknai is a golden and crimson choker, but for those that do not wish to wear such items, rings of crimson and gold that are put on the fingers are almost always a sign Draknai. A sigil of a circle marked out with a cross often shows a sign that Draknai might have an influence in the current upheaval that might envelop a nation.

Tenets of Faith

Cleric Alignments

  • Lawful Good
  • Lawful Neutral
  • Lawful Evil
  • Neutral Good
  • Neutral
  • Neutral Evil
  • Chaotic Good
  • Chaotic Neutral
  • Chaotic Evil

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Divine Goals

Chaos. Draknai's main goal is to cause chaos. This, to her is for a weird sense of balance. She campaigns for balance of power, in the sense of dismantling massive empires and corrupted city / nation states. This has the ultimate goal of balance within the world, as stated previously although people aren't sure if that is Draknai just causing chaos for the hell of it.

Church Boon

+1 Charisma

Lip Service

Skill Proficiency: Persuasion or Deception
Whiteish Red
Shoulder length white hair, red tips.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Grey

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