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The Elves were the first Races created on Aedir alongside the Humans by the Dual Dragons. The Elves owe their creation to Adalla "The Grieving Sun". The Elves and the Humans forged a strong bond, as they suited each other's weaknesses. Elves were naturally graced with the ability to learn magic at a young age, while Humans were more physically stronger. These new settlers on a barren world established kingdoms, empires and millennia of opulence followed... The Elves and Humans looked forward to a future without war, one of peace and coexistence between their kinds. However, as other races like Dwarves, Gnomes and many others were added to the mix, that vision got muddled. Especially as the Dwarves and Elves came to blows many times.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Elven society is similar to an informal caste system. While this has fallen out with the newer generations, back while Elven Kingdoms were established this system was followed to a tee. The Elven Caste system followed as such:
  1. High Elves - High Elves were at the highest rung of society, due to having direct ties to Adalla. They used this to justify their superiority towards other kinds of Elves and every race except Humans. High Elves viewed themselves as "Pure Beings" and weren't tainted by the whims of the world.
  2. Wood Elves - Wood Elves are seen as "lesser Elves" but higher than the other Elven subraces in the world. They can justify this as being descendants of the High Elves but with the distinction that they don't have the blood of Adalla in their vein.
  3. Eladrin Elves - Eladrin Elves are third on this list due to their tie with the Feywild and their magical capabilities. In some cases, Eladrins are better mages than High Elves, so they are so high up because of that connection they have to magic.
  4. Sea Elves, Pallid Elves & Most other Elven variants - Most of the other variants of Elves fit in this portion of the caste. To the High Elves, these Elves belong here because they fit a specific niche within Elven Society. Sea Elves are excellent fishermen and Pallid Elves are great druids and have connection to nature.
  5. Half-Elves - Half-Elves are on the second to lowest rung of society. Although Humans and Elves are forever linked because of the Dual Dragons, Elves are still jingoists at heart. Half-Elves are seen as cursed as they have tainted the Elven bloodline.
  6. Drow - Drow are seen as the lowest of the low within Elven society. This is because to the High Elves and the others, they ditched the good will of Adalla and defected to Lolth's teachings during the Uprising War. Although this has some truth to it, this is a fabrication to justify keeping the Drow at the lowest of the low of the caste system.

Facial characteristics

One of the most notable features of an Elf is their pointed ears. This is actually a big tell if someone is an Elf because Adalla herself had pointed ears and decided to create Elves with pointed ears in her likeness. Elves also have a hard time growing beards.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most Elves prefer to live in forested areas. While widespread, most Elves originate from these Forests that one provided protection to their settlements by the Devils and Demons during the Uprising Wars. Elves of the present are very well acclimated to many climates and are seen in many from the Quechui Desert in Meljabul to the Rivena Forests in the Veilnum. The only climate that Elves can't survive in is the Far North or the Arctic Tundra in Graza.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Elven naming traditions are very unorthodox compared to traditional names. Elves have a child name, an adult name and then their family name. Upon growing up to the age of 15 (in human years), each Elf goes on a quest to gain both their Adult and Family name. The quest has to be significant to the family and it can vary in difficulty, but the harder the quest the more prideful the Elf feels.   Child Names: Sara, Arva, Dela, Faen, Ilen, Salar   Adult Male Names: Re'lo, Tormad, Mua'mir, Sorah, Grelsith   Adult Female Names: Nai'lo, Toa'Rah, Alavelith, Maramal, Zelfith   Family Names: Carascan, Orouna, Grillich, Illiphekir, Riadon, Neliamme


As stated previously, Elves were created by Adalla, the Grieving Sun. Their sole mission was to colonize and populate the planet while the Dual Dragons set up the Solar Pantheon and allowed the other Gods to create races of their own. These initial Elves that were created by Adalla would become known as High Elves. Over the generations, other kinds of Elves would appear, namely the Eladrin, Wood Elves, Sea Elves, the Quechui Elves and Pallid Elves. While fractured and politically divided, the Elves always kept in touch with one another.   When Adalla and Rovun departed behind the Solar Barrier to let the Gods and mortal rule the world, the Elves felt a deep sadness. The Elves looked to Adalla for guidance and now with their mentor gone, the Elves became increasingly patriotic and jingoist. This led to a lot of conflicts with many of the other races in Aedir, due to their patriotic fervor.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Due to the creation of Humans and Elves being created by both the Dual Dragons, Humans and Elves have the ability to birth Life, which are commonly referred to as Half-Elves. These are often viewed as lower class in Elven society, but often praised in Human society. Elves are also able to reproduce with Orcs like Humans are, and create "Half-Orcs" but with pale green skin and more Elven like features.   Most races look at Elves with a mix of disdain but look to them for guidance. Being one of the oldest races in the world, the people look to them for guidance on a lot of earthly matters, but also view them with disdain because of their jingoism and patriotism.
750 - 1000 years
Average Height
5ft - 6'6ft
Average Weight
Average Physique
Elves are built to be lithe and lanky. They tend to have slender bodies as they digest food a lot easier than many of the other races in the world. This leads to Elves being quite fast, but not good with manual labor.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Elven body tint varies depending on the area they live. For example, those in the Quechui Desert have darker skin tones, while the Pallid Elves of the Rivena Forest have extremely pale skin tones. Eladrin Elves have very exaggerated skin tones depicting their mood and emotion.

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