Additional Information
Social Structure
Eternals are a completely taboo race, as they are seen as "corrupt" and very powerful due to being able to live eternally. Their very existence is considered taboo and heretical and they are actively hunted by Paladins, especially those of the Lawlight. The Clerics of the Lawlight view Eternals as cursed beings for defying the meta physics, which also makes them the targets of other Gods as well, like the Stringbearer. Most Eternals keep their secret as close to their chest as they can as well as actively move to the harsher places in the world to escape persecution from the Paladins of the Lawlight and the others trying to persecute them. There are many of these communities for example in the Medyanne Islands in Meljabul, as well as there are even some Underwater Citadels, as they don't need to breathe water as well.
In a twisted way of things, there are specific groups of the upper echelon that forcibly convert people to Eternals and hunt them for fun and for the thrill of the game. They only do this to those they deem "wastes of space" so nothing of value is lost. However, that's just a conspiracy... right? it's a lose lose situation for most Eternals, especially when they're put in these "hunts".
Facial characteristics
They retain their facial characteristics and can move it at will.
Geographic Origin and Distribution
Eternals have the ability to live anywhere, due to not needing food and water, they can live in any environment from the coldest tundra to the hottest deserts. This gives them the unique ability to have settlements located in these extremes far from persecution.
Civilization and Culture
Naming Traditions
Their naming traditions follows that of the race that they originally inherited.
Originally created by a cult that worshiped the God of Zylo, she blessed her followers with eternal life with a cost. Imbued with the power of eternity, their followers began forcibly converting people to Eternals, which raised some concerns with the Paladins of the Light, who began actively purging the Eternals from the Earth.
Average Height
Average Weight
20 - 30 lbs
Average Physique
Eternals have no physique as their muscles have become all but useless. However, they maintain the skin of their original body, it's just that they cannot use it as regular muscle, its all a facade.
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