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Muoira (a.k.a. The Gavel)

Muoira (Moi - ra) also known as the Gavel, is the figure that brought Law and Order to the Solar and Shackled Pantheons. She was the one that brokered a "peace deal" between the two during the Uprising Wars. This has brought ire upon some of the Gods of both Pantheons, as it certainly wasn't in either parties favor. However, except for the Dual Dragons, she has the most power of any God of Both Pantheons, which says a lot about her power alone.   She's also brokering a deal with Torinn as we speak to shatter the Solar Barrier, with the arrival of a new power that is dangerous to the world. With this potentially happening soon the world is destined for a massive change, as Gods long forgotten but always watching now become active in the world again. A new enemy has approached, one that Muoira has been watching take place for a while. It's power shatters unity and throws chaos around, making it her primary enemy.

Divine Domains


Holy Books & Codes

Most books of Law and Order are derived from Muoira's teaching. She originally taught the humanoids about Law and Order and how do do Civics. While most have forgot about Muoira's herself, her teachings are still omnipresent in the world.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The divine symbol of Muoira is of a scale, with a snake coiling around the scale.

Tenets of Faith

Cleric Alignment

  • Lawful Good
  • Lawful Neutral
  • Lawful Evil

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Divine Goals

Muoira's main goal is to study the amber. She knows that this entity is the antithesis of what she believes in, so she wants to research it and come to a conclusion on how to stop it from achieving whatever it's goal is.

Church Boons

+1 Wisdom

Lip Service

Skill Proficiency - Insight
Divine Classification
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White

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