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T'Chai (Tieflings)

"While it was once thought that T'Chai were natively created in the World, it was found out through archaeological work that they were in fact created by a God. Although we don't know who this God or Goddess is, we now have proof that the T'Chai were created by one of the Vita."  
  • Esarius, "The World Archivist"
  • The T'Chai, also known as the Tieflings to most people within the modern day, have been created by one of the Vita known as Ashai, The Shifting Seasons. The T'Chai are native to the Veilnum Archipelago, and there are sparse communities on the other continents, but they are mainly concentrated in the Arhcipelago. T'Chai worship the Seasons, similar to the faith of the Empire of the Pine. This is because the T'Chai, long ago were native to the Rivena Forest and left old monuments to the Seasons. However, the T'Chai were expelled by the Elves of the Pine during the Seasonal Wars, which the Elves won and established the Pine as their permanent home.

    Basic Information

    Biological Traits

    T'Chai have many different skin colorings, depending on the date they were born. Depending on the Season they represent as well. For example:
    • A Teal T'Chai is a T'Chai that was born during the Spring months of Celedius, Archadius or Runerion. This is to represent the rain that commonly falls during these spring months. Teal T'Chai tend to lean towards the Lawful alignment, because the Spring Months can be calming and peaceful at times. Just like the Spring Months, the Teal T'Chai tend to be calm, peaceful and serene.
    • A Red T'Chai is born during the summer months of Pripidat, Gomantius or Hefexes. This is to represent the searing hot heat of the summer months. The Red T'Chai tend to lean towards the Chaotic alignment, because these T'Chai are often loud-mouthed and opinionated, as well as having a fiery spirit like summer.
    • A Yellow/Gold T'Chai is born during the autumn months of Alia'Star, Vey'Dilan or Goron. This is to represent the changing of the leaves and the shift in temperatures. Yellow/Gold T'Chai tend to lean towards the Lawful alignment. This is because the Yellow T'Chai represent change and peace, as they transition to the winter months like the autumn season itself.
    • A Purple T'Chai is born during the winter months of Fetair, Mercadius or Solozio. This is to represent the sub-zero temperatures around the world as well as the falling of snow and hail. Purple T'Chai tend to lean towards either alignment. This is because Winter can be one of the most peaceful seasons, but it can also be the most ferocious. Purple T'Chai are pacifists but when push comes to shove, they can be bitterly cold.
    There are two exceptions to this rule, and this comes in the form of Black and White T'Chai. They are both known as The Champions and The Sufferers respectively. When a Champion is born, a Sufferer is also born. These two figures are destined to intertwine and fight. If a Champion wins, the race goes through prosperity, but if a Sufferer wins, the T'Chai race will go through a brutal disaster. There is 1 of these Clashes every generation of T'Chai making these instances very rare.   Another big biological trait that impacts T'Chai is their horns. Their horns can follow many different growth styles and grow similarly to nails on a person or an orc's tusks. However, their horns can also grow gems in them, which is very valuable to jewelers and bounty hunters as well. It is also completely possible that T'Chai can grow the solid ore instead of the horn as well, although it's not known how common this is.  
    • A Teal T'Chai's horns are incrusted with Sapphire Ore.
    • A Red T'Chai's horns are incrusted with Ruby Ore.
    • A Yellow/Gold T'Chai's horns are incrusted with Limonite Ore.
    • A Purple T'Chai's horns are incrusted with Amethyst Ore.
    • A Champion's horns are incrusted with Obsidian.
    • A Sufferer's horns are incrusted with Moonstone.
    When a T'Chai grows older, their horns continue to peel akin to skin. When they reach their older years, they gradually begin to fall off as the stones become dulled. Most T'Chai take this one of two ways; That it is time to finally rest, or that their time is soon coming to an end.

    Additional Information

    Facial characteristics

    One of the biggest facial characteristics of a T'Chai is that almost all of them have a solid eye color. This is usually the color of their birth parents. Heterochromia is common in T'Chai because of this.

    Geographic Origin and Distribution

    Most of the T'Chai located in the world live in the Veilnum Archipelago. Unlike Elves, Humans, Dwarves, etc that have an almost even spread across the world, the T'Chai inhabit many of the islands across the Archipelago and have been there for hundreds if not thousands of years. The Race fractured after their home, The Rivena Forest was taken over by the Elves in the Seasonal Wars.   There are also sparse communities of T'Chai in Meljabul and Graza, although this number ranges in the hundreds as many have moved away from the Archipelago during the Age of Inquiry.

    Civilization and Culture

    Naming Traditions

    Surprisingly, many traditional T'Chai don't use surnames. Although this is a changing tradition as they integrate into society, it's odd to say the least. However, their names are also very simple. Most traditional T'Chai names represent their season or the color of their skin. It's not too uncommon to see multiple Red T'Chai in a tribe to be named Ruby or Crimson.   "Traditional" Male T'Chai Names: Crimson, Blizzard, Scorcher, Torrent, Sear   "Traditional" Female T'Chai Names: Moonlight, Opal, Maple, Ruby, Snowfall


    T'Chai history is very brief compared to many other races in Aedir. This is because of their seclusion in the Veilnum Archipelago. The T'Chai are located in the hundreds of islands across the Archipelago, which has made recording their history hard. It's passed down verbally, so those that know a T'Chai are valuable resources. One of the things that T'Chai say is that they were created by the Seasons itself, personifying them. This might be evidence of a God creating the T'Chai but archeology has been halted due to usually desecrating old T'Chai shrines and temples.   One big conflict that most people know of is something called the Seasonal Wars. The Seasonal Wars were a set of Wars that happened between the T'Chai and the Elves around 2000 E.O. The T'Chai before living on the scattered islands lived in the Rivena Forests instead. However, due to the connection to the Feywild, the Elves saw this area as their home and forged a connection to the magic. Many wars were fought, and the T'Chai were forced to scatter.   As of the current Age, many T'Chai have begun to integrate into Humanoid society. It hasn't been easy by no means. T'Chai fetch a high price in the human trafficking rings around the world and many turn out to be slaves, forced to "mine" their own horns until they die. Although Vincent Salza, the current Platinum Coin of the Golden Gunhas made the hunting of T'Chai punishable by death, it still happens in exceedingly close circles of nobles, which makes it hard to snuff out.   The word Tiefling, which was made popularized by the Elves during the Seasonal Wars, actually is a slur to T'Chai. Although made the most common name to describe a T'Chai, the true meaning of the word means "Devil-kin" in Elvish, still stings when it is said to a T'Chai person.

    Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

    It is possible for T'Chai to breed with most humanoids. However, the T'Chai gene is always dominant, so more likely than not, most interspecies relations lead to a T'Chai child being born.
    Scientific Name
    Average Height
    5 feet 10 inches
    Average Weight

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