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Tempest (a.k.a. The Lord of Battle)

Tempest, the Lord of Battle, is the God of War, War Tactics, Honor and Thunder. Tempest since he was created always had a knack for war, similar to Gruumsh, who was created to be his counterpart. However, where the two differed was their ideal war, where Gruumsh's was endless war, Tempest always prefer wars that had meaning and the tactics behind how wars were fought and the conclusions.   Tempest was active in every step of the way during the Uprising Wars and many of the victories were because of him. He was one of the fiercest fighters on the side of the Solar Pantheon, as he strived for victory with the minimal amount of casualties. He even managed to best both Torinn and Gruumsh, the fiercest fighters on the side of the Shackled Pantheon, proving how much of an asset and a strength he is to the side of the light.    Although not listed, Tempest is also the de-facto god of Gladiators and Pit Fighters, and whenever there is a tourney like that, Tempest always watches from the Astral Sea above, in hopes to pick Sentinels that can carry his wishes. He believes that Gladiators tend to be the best people as they are hardened by the tragedies and their fights they partake in throughout their life.    The Lord of Battle
The Eternal Spear
The Thunderous King

Divine Domains

War (Tactics)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The divine symbol of Tempest is a bit different than others. Tempest's holy symbol is a copper spear that can harness the power of thunder, with which the soldiers and acolytes of Tempest can use in battle.

Tenets of Faith

Cleric Alignment

  • Lawful Good
  • Lawful Neutral
  • Lawful Evil
  • Neutral Good
  • True Neutral
  • Neutral Evil
  • Chaotic Good
  • Chaotic Neutral

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Divine Goals

Ultimately, Tempest wants to bring an end to all wars within the World. Unlike Gruumsh who wants to continue wars endlessly without reason, Tempest wants to solve wars over time. He believes that dictators and figures in power that abuse their powers to continue wars shall be punished. Other than that, he has no other Divine Goals, as well as conquering the threat that is the Amber.  

Church Boons

+1 Strength or Dex

Lip Service

Skill Proficiency - Martial.
Long Gray

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