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The Giant Pantheon

The Giant Pantheon is said to be one of the oldest reigning Pantheons on Aedir, some even saying before the time of the Evetics. As the Giants are elusive folk, not many get to experience or learn from the Giant Pantheon. But, the Pantheon is rich in tales and stories that the Giants have told wanderers for the better part of their lifespans.   This is not to say that the Giant Pantheon is full of happiness and stories of grandeur. There is some sadness, as the religion risks extinction because of the dwindling population of Giants. Due to Giants not being able to reproduce, each of the different Clans try to record their history and their Pantheon in different ways.

Divine Origins

The Origin of the Giant Pantheon came from the creator of the Giant-kin, Annam. Created by the Dual Dragons, Annam created six children to care for his Giant-kin. Annam created:
  • Vidar: Who would guide for the Bruten clan of Frost Giants, located in the Far North of Aedir.
  • Thor: Who would guide for the Bergelmir clan of Storm Giants, located in the Arclands in Meljabul.
  • Tyr: Who would be guides for the Borg clan of Hill Giants, located in the Gateway to Hell in the Upperdark.
  • Heimdall: Who would be the guide for the Ghorian clan of Stone Giants, located in the Yuleski Mountain Range in the Veilnum Archipelago (Formerly located in the Underdark).
  • Loki: Who would be the guide for the Skøll clan of Cloud Giants, located in The Floating Citadel, which is a mass of large clouds floating over Aedir.
  • Surtr: Who would be the guide for the Hålogi clan of Fire Giants, located in Surtshellir, now commonly known as The Heart of Adalla, which is a volcano in the Veilnum Archipelago.
  He instructed the six Gods to create a council known as The Council of Giants, in which they would communicate and keep relations high among the six Giant clans. Then, Annam vanished, most likely perishing during the Uprising Wars, although that is unknown.   The disappearance of Annam affected the Giants physically, mentally and spiritually. For starters, the Giant lost their ability to reproduce, as this was tied to the God who would physically create them. When Annam left, strife hit the Giant tribes. The Council of Giants began to fight more and more, with tensions between Surtr and Thor began to escalate. They eventually boiled over into something the Giants now refer to as The Schism. In which the Gods on the Council of Giants fought with one another until there was a victor. In this scenario, Thor and Surtr were common enemies due to their differing viewpoints on how to approach Annam's disappearance. Surtr wanted to go to war with the Demons for killing Annam, knowing full well it could potentially kill the Giants. Thor vehemently disavowed this action and called for the Giants to seclude themselves in hopes they could find a way to repopulate.   Loki befriended Surtr as he saw it as a way to get a one up on his brother, Thor. Heimdall joined Thor due to their deep friendship and Tyr joined Thor and Heimdall due to his hatred of Surtr. Vidar, being a loner did not participate and instead left the council to focus on guiding the Frost Giants through this hardship. Thor, Heimdall and Tyr came out on top of the Schism due to Loki disappearing as well, knowing that while Surtr is strong, he could not fight all three. This victory came as a bittersweet one however, as the Council of Giants was over, and the tribes, especially the Fire and Cloud Giants, stopped communicating with the other tribes.

Granted Divine Powers

Each of the Clan Leaders were given near god-like powers by their respective God. Then, the Clan Leaders each chose a Clan Carver, who was given a substantial amount of power as well. This is so in the event of the Clan Leaders death, the Carver can carve the runs of their God onto the next in line, elevating them to the title of Clan Leader.


There are six sects of this Pantheon, correlating to each of the Giant-kin that still roam Aedir.

Vidar: The Guardian of the Frost Giants

Vidar was created by Annam to be the guardian of the Frost Giants and their represented on the Council of Giants. More of the loner type, Vidar was one who stayed away from conflict and social interaction unless he had too. Vidar didn't part-take in the The Schism, due to fearing the extinction of the Frost Giants. As such, Vidar disappeared from the Council of Giants and has since stopped communicating with his family on the Council.   The last that was seen of Vidar, he was roaming the Far North as a Giant Frost Elemental. Interestingly enough, this Frost Elemental is a common myth within the Firbolg tribe of The Wandering (блуждающих - bluzhdayushchikh) located in Graza. It is unknown if this Frost Titan is actually Vidar or not.

Thor: The Guardian of the Storm Giants

Thor was the first God created by Annam and was created in the image of Annam. He was the main perpetrator of The Schism, due to his long standing rivalry with Surtr and his reaction to Surtr's plan to coat the world in flames to find Annam's corpse. Thor beat Surtr, but due to some of the injuries he faced from those battles, he disbanded the Council of Giants and focused on ensuring his Storm Giants children could survive.   It is said that in the Arclands, where the Storm Giant tribe of Bergelmir reside, that Thor actually found the resting place of Annam here. This is due to the high amounts of lightning that shield specific parts of the area from entry, even for the Storm Giants. However, this also hasn't been confirmed and is more or less a myth by the Storm Giants to ensure that many locals don't get too close.

Surtr: The Guardian of the Fire Giants

Created by Annam to be the exact counterpart of Thor, it was almost inevitable that conflict was bound to arise between the two. After Annam's disappearance, Surtr was almost sure that Annam was killed by a Demon. Surtr was willing to scorch the world in hellfire to search for his father in the ashes and the remains. This mindset inevitably began The Schism between the Council of Giants. Surtr inevitably lost, due to numbers and Loki backstabbing him by vanishing. Surtr now vehemently hates the other Gods of the Council, but despises Loki due to backstabbing him. This has translated to his Fire Giants as well, who all distrust the other Giant Clans.   As the Council of Giants began to shatter, Surtr was humiliated by Thor, Heimdall and Tyr and also by the fact that he lost hundreds of Fire Giants for a conflict he knew he could never win. Due to the everlasting shame and grief he has felt, Surtr excommunicated himself and the Fire Giants from ever communicating with the other Giants. He then fused his power with the power of the Clan Leader, Hålogi to ensure that he would never make another mistake that would cost the lives of his people.

Heimdall: The Guardian of the Stone Giants

Heimdall was seen as Thors best friend and confidant. The two have been through thick and thin, having served each other faithfully during The Schism. However, this would not last, as the Council of Giants broke apart, and Thor lost touch with Heimdall as Thor went to search for Annam. Heimdall began to experiment with his children, and gave them the unique power to create life. It is unknown how Heimdall got the ability to have this power.   It is said that Heimdall lives in the Carvings that line the caves of the Yuleski Mountain Range. Stone Giants that touch the carvings see visions as the Dream Plane is said to carry Heimdall's visions. Heimdall, like Surtr also lives in relative shame, as he is also the cause for a lot of the deaths within the Stone Giants. This is because the Dredge, which were the creations of the Stone Giants, have turned on their masters (after they fled the Underdark to the Dream Plane) and have begun to fight them.

Tyr: The Guardian of the Hill Giants

Tyr was the neutral one, who always tried to look at things in an impartial way, but was secretly a warmongerer underneath. Tyr hungered for battle, however, he was adamant on not partaking in The Schism. He knew that these battles would destroy the Council of Giants from within, and would tarnish all the work Annam did to get them that far. Although this didn't happen, as Tyr was inevitably convinced by Thor that Surtr was a threat to not only the Giants, but the Beorc on Aedir. Tyr joining Thor and Heimdall during The Schism shows the inevitable decline of the Council of Giants until it broke apart. Tyr charged forward with his Hill Giants, who were reluctant to fight. While he was the sole reason they won, the Hill Giants took one of the biggest tolls of the war. Tyr was hated by the Hill Giants because of this, as they wanted to remain neutral.   It's unlikely that the Hill Giants have forgiven Tyr, but Tyr maintains watch from afar. Tyr keeps an eye on his creations as Annam has told him to do. The Hill Giants now are seen as a blemish on the Giant society due to their reckless behavior and their godless demeanor.

Loki: The Guardian of the Cloud Giants

Loki is the king of trickery and deception. He always served as the antithesis of the Council of Giants and served to secretly undermine and diminish the work Annam and Thor were doing to maintain the Council. Loki even egged on the tensions between Surtr and Tyr and Thor, for the hell of it. He did not know it would cause the end of the Council, but, he "joined" Surtr as he wanted to test their capabilities. When things began to look dicey, Loki vanished and was never seen again, which was one of the main reasons why Surtr lost.   Loki is said to wander Aedir looking to trick and deceive. He never really cared for the godly activities, his main interest was in the affairs of the mortals below. He often tries to see how much he can get away with. Whether that be cheating a mob boss out of a large sum of money, or even steal from a local King's vault. Some say that he has even bigger plans that people just don't know about...
Religious, Pantheon

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