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Theuron (a.k.a. The Meadowalker)

The Meadowalker, also known as Theuron (Th-er-on) was one of the first gods birthed from Adalla and Rovun. She controlled the domains of Nature, Life and Health. Tasked with creating Life on the barren world of Aedir, Theuron got to work and began dispersing life on the barren world. While most of the creation of sentient life was tasked to the Vita, the Meadowalker devoted her life to creating nature and protecting it from the rogue bands of Demons that traveled across the world during it's initial creation.   During the Uprising Wars, the Meadowalker fought alongside her brother and sisters on the battlefield to ensure that the Demon King can't ruin what progress they made. Ultimately she and the fellow Gods lost and had to leave Aedir. The Meadowalker fell into a heavy period of depression, knowing that the world she knew was slowly turning to ash and dust. She tried to convince the Solar Council to bring the fight back to Torinn and restore balance to Aedir, but the Gods of the Council agreed that the best course of action was to let the people of Aedir solve this problem on their own. Torinn and the rest of the Twisted Pantheon were bound to the Hells just like they were bound to the Sky, so in the Council's mind, doing that would cause a second Uprising Wars leading to the downfall of all the progress they made.   Due to the Solar Barrier, Theuron is unable to contact her lost followers. However, as people began to forget the existance of the Solar Pantheon, another Saint known as Aedir took Theuron's place as the protector of Nature on Aedir. However, with the Solar Barrier now shattered, Theuron and all the Gods of the Pantheon may now interact with the mortals of the realm.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of the Meadowalker is of an olive branch with bright green leaves covered in vines.

Tenets of Faith

Cleric Alignment

  • Lawful Good
  • Lawful Neutral
  • Neutral Good
  • Neutral

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Divine Goals

The Main goal Theuron had before she was pushed out of Aedir and into Space was to protect Nature. She saw herself as the mother of Nature and therefore wanted to keep it alive and watch it flourish. She would often watch animals and plants from afar and let them develop, but if an outside threat came in and would threaten the plants, she would step in. That was the main reason why she involved herself in the Uprising Wars.  

Church Boons

+1 Wisdom  

Lip Service

Skill Proficiency - Nature or Medicine
Divine Classification
Emerald Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Olive Green

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