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Zylo (a.k.a. The Blood Star)

No one has ever seen her face. Zylo, the Blood Star is the Goddess of Blood, Occultism and Alchemy. No god within either Pantheon has seen her face or ever asked to do so, worried what is behind the cloak that shadows it. An oddball in the Shackled Pantheon, one that enjoys the pain and suffering of others, as well as putting their skills to the test, she studies almost anything she can get her hands on. Also one of the most active of the Shackled Pantheon, she enjoys watching the experiments of her followers as well as putting Banes and Curses on whomever she pleases. She has a twisted sense of self-righteousness, thinking that if she was given the Curse of Godhood, she'll spread Curses to those that deserve it as a sense of twisted punishment.   This is how the Changelings and Doppelgangers came to be. As the first Changeling enraged Zylo by breaking her heart. And so, Zylo cursed this figure to never have a true face ever again, and instead, she took his beauty for herself. She cursed the first Kenku by taking the voice of an Aarakocran bard who wanted nothing more than to be the best musician in the world, she cursed him to never have his voice again, and instead to steal the voices of others, knowing that he'll never succeed. Zylo relishes the pain that she puts upon others, knowing that if they can overcome the insurmountable odds that she puts upon them she'll reward them with even more power.   The Blood Star
Maiden of Forbidden Sciences
The Cloaked Occultist

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

The divine symbol of Zylo is of a veil of shadowed cloth. This is worn around the face, obscuring most of the face and neck. Clergymen/Clergywomen of Zylo must make sure that no facial figures are covered, including their hair. Only the ears are able to be shown.

Tenets of Faith

Cleric Alignment

  • Lawful Evil
  • True Neutral
  • Neutral Evil
  • Chaotic Good
  • Chaotic Neutral
  • Chaotic Evil

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Divine Goals

Zylo's main concern, like most is of the Amber corruption spreading across the world. While most are unable to study this strange creation, Zylo, being the Maiden of Forbidden Science, has the unique power to study the Amber in short periods. However, she also wishes to benefit and shelter those that are burdened by the sciences of the world. She shelters those that do not conform to the rules and regulations of the current academies of the world. She is also n extreme sadist, and enjoys watching the pain of others and is enjoyed to see their suffering.

Church Boons

+1 Wisdom

Lip Service

Skill Proficiency - Medicine or Arcana
Divine Classification
Circumstances of Death
Ascended to Godhood (Became a Celestial)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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