Craefter's Henge

Craefter's Henge is monument that dates back to the days of before the Fractuous Age. It's exact purpose remain a topic of conversation and speculaton, but most people believe it having some significance to the prehistoric Drycraefters.

Purpose / Function

Some believe that it is a site of astonomical events, others believe it was an early worship site. Many Baharuths believe that it is a site where human sacrifice was practiced, either by the members of the Old Religion or possibly even by elves and other subhuman species.   Most Drycraefters believe the site is indeed significant and sacred. Though they firmly oppose any supposition that the Henge was used as a sacrificial site. Instead they believe it was a site used in particular festivals or a site of magical confluence.   There is evidence in how some of the stones appear to have fallen, fallen outward from the sites center, that some sort of blast occured at the site, likely the result of magical release.


Evidence at the site suggest that it had been built and rebuilt multiple times. Most seem to have been in similar configurations. The purpose of these reconstrutions isn't clear and some speculate that the energy release that knocked down some of the standing stones may have not been the first.


Comprised mostly of enormous granite standing stones and cross lintel stones, the henge is laid out in a circular pattern while the locale is doted with dozens of other, smaller sights, mostly wooden or earthen. They follow the well documented 'cup and ring' pattern that dot the realm.
Founding Date


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