Aereth Fenvarys (Air reth Fen var iss)

Aereth Fenvarys

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Aereth shares the fitness and qualities of most elves his age. He is thin, fast, and agile.

Facial Features

Unlike many of his peers, Aereth's features are soft. He looks younger than his age and appears gentle.

Special abilities

Like most of his elven peers, Aereth is magical in his ability to work with worldly, elemental magic.

Apparel & Accessories

Aereth likes fine clothes. This is likely in part to his father's trade as a master weaver. He is able to quickly determin the quality of any particular fabric. Because of this like, he tends to dress in a higher way than many of his peers.


He is fond of a gold circlet that he wears around his head most days, that has two, golden, ribbons that flow from it down the side of his face, framing his features.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aereth was born with the childhood name of Erdan. He was born to Aequinal Fenvarys and Helycene Xelosceint. His childhood was fairly typical for young elves. Often playful and mischevious. When playing with others, he enjoyed pretending to be a human, which puzzled his friends and parents, as why would any elf desire such a short, duplicitous life.


Sometime around his 27th birthday, Aereth's playful nature began to fade. The young elf became quiet and serious. This likely coincided with him reaching physical maturity. During this period, Erdan became 'brooding' and would sulk 'like an dark elf.'


During his youthful, adolesence, from his 27th onward, Aereth continued this quite different attitude compaired to his peers. Still, he contributed to the life of his community and seemed to be content.


When Aereth became 40, his interest in humans began to rise again. He would sneak away from town to watch the humans working in the historic sights at Kairndern Castle and at Gennon's Hill. He became fascinated with the human fascination with their own history as well as with humans in general.


When he reached 50, the young elf, Erdan abandoned this name, and in fact refused to answer to it when addressed or called by it after his naming ceremony, where he selected Aereth.


It was expected that he'd follow in his father's foot steps, and become and artisan, but Aereth had other plans. For a time he worked closely with his father, but shortly after his 51st birthday, Aereth announced his plans to leave the settlement and venture into the wider world.

Gender Identity

Like most high elves, Aereth's general expression is androgynous. He finds beauty in all expressions of gender identity, but for himself, he prefers the typical elven non-gendered appearance.


Sexuality has rarely factored into Aereth's life. He has not sought out sex, as he's often found himself easily distracted from it. That is not to say that he does not have desires, but he doesn't tend to act on them and is in fact highly disciplined in schooling his desires. In terms of his sexual orientation, Aereth identifies, like most in Aefeodel, as pansexual.


For the first 18 years of his life, Aereth attended the local school house, learning about elven history, their cultural, and physical connection to nature and the world, and basic life skills. After 18, he continued learning with his family, as it tradition in many elven settlements.


Religious Views

The Old Religion - Drycraeft


Much of Aereth's speech feels very posh, especially among elves. His knowledge of Qethan was even higher, but his time watching and learning from the humans excavating Gennon's Hill and Kairndern Castle caused him to pick up a more common dialect of Qethan.

Wealth & Financial state

Aereth's personal wealth is limited. After leaving his settlement, he has little to know direct income and finds himself working in various capacities to make a living. This is often in the capacity as a traveling weaver, frequently mending the textiles of residents of the towns and villages he visits. He often visits port cities, as shipyards and harbors often need people able to repair or make new sails. And they pay well.
Date of Birth
11 day of the 7th month
Settlement near Gennon's Hill
Current Residence
Elven settlement in woods near Gennon's Hill
Androgynous leaning toward male
Emerald Green
Brown, kept short and mostly swept forward.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ultra-light complexion of high elves, has an almost silver blue sheen to it in certain lighting.
Old Religion
Known Languages
Qethan, High Elven, Old Aefeo. Because most elven language share common ancestry, he can pick up much of the other elven tongues but he would not say he's fluent, and would likly have difficulty speaking it.


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