Call of the Twelve Whispers

Before the realm of Aefeodel was split into the 7 Kingdoms, (Kingdom of Qethanvale, Kingdom of Qitestal, Theodosian Empire, Kingdom of Niobrax, Duchy of Ularu, Matriarchy of Vestava and, Duchy of Wafferin) it was ruled by a great queen, the Emperess Gennon. Gennon united the twelve warring factions. Representatives of the twelve clans made up the Imperial Council. During the Great Cataclysm, a time of seismic upheaval, the great keep of Kairndern Castle, Gennon's seat of power, collapsed, killing all twelve representatives. Soon after, the Cataclysm ended. The Empress took the swift end of the Cataclysm to mean that the representatives had intervened on the realm's behalf and she declared them all heroes of the realm and deified them. The representatives were Mercer, Bertold, Hulbord, Lyre, Romy, Sanetra, Kira, Ducot, Emris, Ysrild, Phondrac, Chasma. It is not clear if these were the names of the twelve clans, or if they were the names of the representatives themselves. The following year, Gennon declared war on many of the 'subhuman' species of Aefeodel and with the help of the spirits of the representatives, or 'Whispers', Empress Gennon was able to subjugate the other sentient species. For more than a millenium, the Call of the Twelve Whispers was the most widely held belief in Aefeodel. With the Terrible Divorce, the separtion of realm into the seven kingdoms, dozens of other religions sprung up but many still followed the Call of the Twelve Whispers. Despite nearly two millenia passing since the Great Cataclysm, the Whispers still guide and lead their followers.


Within the Call, their are plenty of interpretations of beliefs. The differing interpretations are often attributed to the different Whispers themselves, and as such many of the sects are more loyal to particular Whispers than others, some being classically believed to be more liberal and others more conservative.
Religious, Organised Religion


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