Cities, Towns, Villages of Niobrix

Feldon's Keep - Capitol Keira - City Leefside - City Murkwell - Town Solime - City Monmouth - City Baharute's Forge - Town Kelney's Well - Village Glossop - Town Ferncombe - City Hwel - City Firth - Town Paethsmouth - City Axminster - City Frostford - City Iceforge - Village Glassforge - Village Coalfell - Town Winter's Keep - Town Blaster's Bay - Town Hollyridge - City Woodhearst - Village Bleakburn - Town Karikfjord - Village Wind's Reach - Village Holyrood - Village Ocean's Fall - Town Cresham Bay - Village Woodhearst - Town Ferncombe - City Kilheron - Village Eglodon's Gate - Village Bricklewhyte - Town Mountmend - Village Whitebridge - Village Clent - Village Squall's End - Village


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