Frêolstîd Orgilde (Fray Ol Steed Oor Gild A)

Freolstid Orgilde (Festival of Auras) is a Drycraeft holiday season celebrated annually with much gratification. It's a holiday with Drycraeft roots of celebration of the individual's magic, but today it is mostly associated with night walks, face painting, truth and dare games and creation of art.   It is officially celebrated for nine days, but decorations and festivities are often found well before and after that time as well.


While the exact origins of Frêolstîd Orgilde are lost to history, the meaning behind them are still held closely by those who follow Drycraeft.   In more recent years, with in the last two centuries, Frêolstîd Orgilde has become more than simply a Drycraeft festival and people of other faiths and no faiths have started celebrating with Craefters, if for no other reason than the celebration itself.


Frêolstîd Orgilde is celebrated over a period of nine days with specific celebrations and rites for each day. The entirety of the festival (celebrated regionally) is presided over by a Vedik.   Day 1: Wistcnapa (Feast for the Youth) an evening meal that kicks of the festival. Presided over by the local Vedic. The feast celebrates the young people of the region. Music, entertainment, and laughter Revelers usually all contribute to the meal.   Day 2: Golden Dawn: A gathering of the community to sing songs of thanks and to honor those who have departed throughout the year. Fallen Sun: A night of bonfires and celebration. More activities for adolecents, games and sweets. Singing and dancing late into the night Day 3: Grapthaen: A day long celebration with music and contests, typically horseback games and as evening settles, games of chance.   Day 4: Myne: An all day celebration, with food and games. Often involves children facepainting. Bonfires in the evening   Day 5 & 6: Stheshnahana: A celebration of art. Visual arts are displayed and music is played throughout the day. Before the evening feast, several dramatic performances may occur.   Day 7: Kehlast: This day is dedicated to the celebration of new courtships. New relationships are brought forward and blessed or otherwise celebrated. In the evening, revelers are encouraged to go on walks with those who they are in a relationship with.   Day 8: Rhohonyo: The celebration of new unions. Whereas day seven is a celebration of new romance in general, day eight specifically celebrates those who have made pubic dedications to other who they romantically love. This feast celebrates all parts of the romantic life.   Day 9: Gemynd: This day is a day to celebrate all that happened over the festival and to demonstrate how the different parts of our lives are all tied together in a common thread, a tapestry of the magic that makes life up. Often the festival will end with a final feast, with food and entertainment to best anything seen in the previous 8 days. In some regions a mage may even be present to demostrate the interwoven nature of magic thoughout life, even when magic seems unlikely.


The Festival is celebrated in the Spring Stretch during the Fourth Month.


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