Gennon's Hill

Located north west of Kairndern Castle, Gennon's Hill had long been thought to be little more than a geographical and topographical occurance.   Discovered to be a burial mound and monument.


A hilly region northwest of Kairndern Castle. The hills edge along a mountainous area as well as along a shore.


In 617, documents discovered to have survived the sacking of Kairndern Castle indicated that the long named "Gennon's Hill" to the north west of the castle, were in fact the remnants of a man-made burial mound, possibly the tomb of Empress Gennon herself.

The following year, an archeological team discovered multiple crypts beneath the hill. In them were a half dozen coffins, treasure of unknowable wealth, and an entire library of historic documents previously unknown.

In a third level beneath the hill, a vault was discovered that held thousands of documents, hundred of thousands of talants worth of gold and other artifacts and artwork dating back to the founding of the Aefeodel Empire. This vault however was just an antichamber.

Beyond the vault was a massive burial vault. Big enough to contain all the other vaults under the hill. In it, just a single, enormouse coffin was placed. Further investigation lead researchers to believe that it is in fact a half dozen caskets nestled inside of each other.

Researchers are confident that this monument is the final resting placeof Empress Gennon.

Mountain / Hill
Characters in Location


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