Kairndern Castle

Kairndern Castle was the palace royal and seat of Empress Gennon's authority. From Kairndern, Gennon reigned over the greatest period of peice in Aefeodel


Imperial Monarchy


Stone walls as tall as 30 feet with towers and turrets as tall as 50 feet.

Industry & Trade

Kairndern Castle was the center of all trade and commerce in Aefeodel. Gennon considered the castle to be the greatest jewel in her crown.


Kairndern was laid out in districts divided by walls like most other cities.


Built diring the Fractuous Age as a grand settlement of on of the twelve main clans, Kairndern stood for more than a century before Gennon united Aefeodel and made Kairndern her capitol. During the period of time that the Aefeodel Empire existed, Kairndern Castle remained the capitol of the Empire.   During the conflicts that led to the Terrible Divorce, multiple groups laid seige to Kairndern and the final emperor took his own life atop the keep when the rebels over ran the walls. The siege resulted in the toppling of both the Empire and Kairndern itself.   In the years after the Divorce, none of the new Kingdoms wanted to claim Kairndern ruins as their own, allowing superstition and paranoia to curse the sight.   In 11 AG, the Kingdom of Qethanvale quietly annexed the sight and declared it their own. Since it has been a sight of much historical and archeological research.


Ancient castle


Built on the side of a large hill, the keep of Kairndern afforded brilliant views of all the surrounding areas. At the base of the hill is a dense forest thought to be inhabited by all manner of magical creatures.


Similar to Oured though slightly colder.   Kairndern, like most of Qetharvale, has a humid temperate oceanic climate, with cloud cover for approximately half of the year and an average temperature range of 19F to 63F. Months 1-3 are considered winter though winter tempuratures and weather tend to stretch from mid 11 through early 4. Tempuratures during the Winter Stretch tend to hover around 20F, and typically see an average of 14 inches of snow fall spread across the entire Stretch. Months 4 - 6 are considered spring, though spring tempuratures and weather tend to stretch from 4 - early 6. Tempuratures during the Spring Stretch tend to hover around 43F and typically see an average of 29 inches of rainfall across the entire Stretch. Months 7 -9 are considered summer, though summer tempuratures and weather tend to stretch from early 6 through late 8. Tempuratures during the Summer Stretch tend to hover around 63F with an average rainfall of about 9 inches across the entire Stretch. Winds are typically light and sometimes stagnant. The atmosphere during the Stretch, while typically warm and light, can however become rather turbulent, leading sometimes to powerful storms. Months 10 - 12 are considered autumn, though autumnal temperatures and weather tend to stretch from 9 - mid 11. Tempuratures during the Autumn Stretch tend to hour around 41 degrees with an average of 26 inches of rainfall. Winds are typically light though they can be quite fickle during the Autumn Stretch.


Founding Date
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