Phiinae (Fine A)

Species of intelligent humanoid creatures. Long thought to be extinct.

Basic Information


The phinnae body was traditionally humanoid, recieving most of its characteristics from their elven ancestors. They were tall and muscular, built up more traditionally athletically, a trait recieved from their orcish ancestry. It is belived that phinnae had several ethnic races though hard evidence so far only indicates a green or occasional purple skin complexions. Accounts of other phinnae races exist only in oral tradition and are largely apochryphal.

Genetics and Reproduction

Hybrids of elven and orcish relations, the phiinae reproduced through traditional sexual reproductive methods. However, because of their hybrid nature, phinnae could only reproduce with other phinnae. Extraspecies reproduction was believed to be impossible, and no evidence exists of any half breed individuals.   Female phiinae carried the fetus (single birth) for a gestational period of thirteen months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Phiinae reached maturity at seventeen years of age and were considered adult at twenty three. They had an average life expectancy of 120 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Mostly living in small villages in pastural areas, phiinae preferred a nature based lifestyle, like their elven ancestors, but with open access to the sky.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Mostly carnivorous, phiinae did some agricultural growth, mostly small crops such as grains, beans, and roots.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Social structures seem to have been largely collective based, with the individual groupings or villages living independently from others, much the way elves and orcs do today. Phiinae were believed to have little hierarchical structure and instead made social decisions on a majority basis.

Facial characteristics

Similar to elves, phiinae had angular faces. While they certainly had teeth that were larger than elves' they were certainly not the threatening nature of orcs, and some evidence exists to suggest they typically possessed subtle orcish underbites.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Phiinea held mostly to the central and southern regions of what is now the Kingdom of Qethanvale.

Average Intelligence

Phiinae are believed to have possessed human like intellect. Both progenitor races possess significant intelligence, despite commonly held beliefs about orcs.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

It is believed that phiinae had greater vision than humans, likely recieved from their orcish ancestry. Since orcs are primarily a preditory species. They may have had magic use abilities. While orcs have no magical abilities, most elves do. This makes it highly likely that there were some in their species with magical gifts, though no direct evidence supports this claim.

Civilization and Culture


The phiinae existed for centuries before their eradication during Gennon's reign of Aefeodel. While most 'subhuman' races went into hiding, the phinnae were slow to react to the growing human threat. As such they were driven further and further south.   In th 1810s FA, during the Empress Gennon's war on the 'subhuman species', the phiinae retreated south, making their final stand in the southern most part of the Qethan peninsula. They built a final defensive wall, now known as the Obsidian Wall, and made their stand.   Little is known about the final months of life in phiinae society, but after a protracted wait, Gennon's forces breached the Obsidian Wall and exterminated all remaining phinnae.   Since the eradication of the species, the phiinae have become something of legend and many children tell local legends of seeing individual phiinae in the woods like spectres.
120 years
Average Height
2.3 meters (7.5 feet)
Average Weight
260-300 lbs
Average Physique
All oral and artistic evidence suggest that the phiinae were tall and muscular. Some might consider them to have very attractive qualities. Both the male and female of the species likely were well defined and had a frame that was wider at the shoulders tapering down the body.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Believed to have had multiple races, artwork from the day suggests mostly varying shades of green or purple.


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