Seekers of the Pit

Seekers of the Pit are members of a small, obscure faith that worship the idea of the Pit, a belief that for many, this life is empty and without point. These people believe that some of them would be more useful in the realm of necromancy, a dark art that calls upon magic in unnatural ways to raise and control the dead.

Mythology & Lore

The mythology for the Seekers centers on necromancy. Not in using it themselve, but in them being servants of necromancy. Seekers believe that some people's lives are meaningless and empty. Many Seekers feel this way about their own lives. They believe that many could be of better use as a vessel for necromancy rather than continuing in this world. They await the Pit, the eternal silence, that comes with death and are comforted and excited at the prospect of their empty lives giving more in their deaths than they did in life. Most Seekers do not end up in early death themselves, but rather help recruit those who might.   The central figure in Seekers' relgious lives is a necromancer. Necromancers are mages who, for whatever reason, have focused their studies of magic on darker endeavors. This usually comes out of a thirst for power. Mastery over a body, can be quite tempting for some, and to have a small legion willing become the necromancer's dead is both useful and intoxicating.


For Seekers, they are bound by an unusual set of ethics, believing, rather twistedly, that death is an act of service.


The 'priesthood' of the Seekers of the Pit is comprised entirely of Mages who have abandoned balance, seeking out only their own power. Power over the dead. These necromancers are violators of the natural order of magic. They're study of magic has become corrupted, no longer believing in balance, and instead trying to violate it.

Granted Divine Powers

Seekers view the Necromancers ability to 'raise the dead' as divine, as does the Necromancer himself. He sees this as a violation of the balance, as a way around the magical laws governing the mirroring of life and death. The problem is that necromancy does not restore life so much as it reprograms the corpse. There is no will within the body beyond the will of the mancer. And a necromanced corpse has no magical abiity, even if they were a great mage. Since a magister pulls magic from themselves, without life, there is no reserve of magic and therefore no magical abilities.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Seekers have no political influence. They are far too small of a group and many view them as rumor.


There are no sects of Seekers. They are too small and because so much is centered around death itself, there is little divergence of beliefs of what death is. As powerful mages are rare enough, mages capable and willing to perform the darker magics are incredibly rare.
Religious, Cult


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