Ulexneth College of Sorcery (Oo Lex Neth)

An ancient academy of sorcery, Ulexneth dates back even beyond the formation of the Aefeodel Empire.   Meant to be an institution for the in depth study of magic and balance that was above the petty conflicts of the twelve human warring factions.   Ulexneth is one of four colleges for mages across Aefeodel.


Like most educational institutions Ulexneth has a Chancellor who guides but answers to the Board of Governors. The Board of Goverors is comprised of nine mages who are alum with outstanding reputations.   There are seventeen instructors.


Ulexneth considers itself above the bickering and politics of the world. Students are meant to study magic and balance alone and to be detached from the world outside the college walls. In practice this is incredibly difficult, given the college is within the walls of Oured, the Capital city of the Kingdom of Qethanvale.

Demography and Population

An average of 12 to 16 new Initiates join each year.

Mid Pundur Gecuman Snytru (with balance comes wisdom)

Founding Date
Pre -3250
Education, Magic


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