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The Kingdom of Ascention


  The expanse of the Kingdom of Ascention stretches wide within Aegir, encompassing a realm as diverse as the stars themselves. Its inhabitants hail from various walks of life, though the heartbeat of the kingdom resonates mostly with humanity. Across this realm, a tapestry of towns both quaint and sprawling cities paints a mosaic of life's richness.   In hamlets and villages, where simplicity dances hand in hand with hard work, bountiful farms flourish under the sun's gaze. Expert craftsmen ply their trade, weaving connections that bridge the distances between these enclaves and the bustling metropolises.   Yet, within the great cities of Ascention, guilds of commerce flourish like intricate tapestries, entwining the threads of trade with the ever-turning wheels of economy. Amid these urban labyrinths stand bureaucratic behemoths, orchestrating the harmonious symphony that governs such a vast domain. Still, even amidst this grandeur, pockets of destitution weave themselves into the fabric of existence, casting shadows that serve as a reminder of the complexity that flourishes within the Kingdom's heart.  


  Ascention finds its sovereignty within the realm of a monarch and his esteemed lineage. The lands, both townships and urban tapestries alike, fall under the guardianship of noble overseers—Lords, Earls, and those bearing the mantle of aristocracy. From hamlets to cities, these local rulers gather the harvest of taxes from their constituents, a portion of which finds its way to grace the coffers of the Royal Family.   Guided by the whispers of regal decree, the heart of authority resides within Ezhemond, the seat where the King's voice takes form. It is from this sacred chamber that the threads of law and governance unfurl, weaving the tapestry of the Kingdom's fate with wisdom and foresight.  


  Within the Kingdom's embrace, the vigilant arms of protection stretch wide, boasting a standing army whose roots run deep within the soil of defense. Garrisons take root like sentinels in the heart of many a bustling city and town. For the more modest settlements, a reliance on the might of mercenaries and the watchful eye of The Adventurers Guild becomes the thread that sews the seeds of peace.   These defenders of Ascention, the bulwark against turmoil, bear the mark of rigorous training, their prowess a testament to the dedication they bear to their duty. Across the expanse of the Kingdom, their diligence finds form in the fortresses and citadels that punctuate the land—a web of safeguards against the threats that lurk at every shadow's edge. Among them, the Iron Sanctum, their valor and faith intertwined, stand as the embodiment of stalwart protection against both foes of flesh and the beasts that haunt the wilds.  

Industry & Trade

  The fruits of Ascention's labor, in their myriad forms, embark on a journey facilitated by merchantile guilds that traverse the breadth of the realm. These bustling trade routes converge upon diverse hubs where wares find new homes among eager customers. The Guilds, ever vigilant, carve a slice from the profits they facilitate, a reinvestment that breathes life into burgeoning enterprises.   Beneath the generous skies, fertile farmlands yield bountiful harvests, their abundance nurturing a steady stream of sustenance. And from the very bosom of the earth, nestled near the mountains' embrace, mines delve deep to unearth precious ores, a cornerstone for the art of smithing that shapes the Kingdom's armaments and crafts.  


  Within the Kingdom's embrace, Ascention bestows its veneration upon the sanctity of its Church and Holy Order, elevating High Priests to positions of almost regal stature. Amidst the noble houses, piety runs deep, and thus the reigns of Arcane Magics are tightly held, their flow monitored by a singular Mage's Guild whose allegiance is to none but the Court Mage of the King.   In this realm, where bureaucracy and tradition weave their intricate tapestries, mages of Ascention find themselves under a watchful gaze. Yet, within the confines of the Guild's enigmatic walls, the currents of arcane power surge through the hands of both the powerful and the peculiar, their mastery of magic often teetering on the precipice of madness.  

Guilds & Factions

  Ascention thrives amidst a tapestry of flourishing Merchants guilds, each operating autonomously, yet converging to form a Merchant Council on matters of grand infrastructure and investments. A medley of Guilds of Trades also finds solace within its bounds, with the Smithing and Leatherworkers Guilds adding their distinct threads to the weave.   Amidst these threads, two stand resolute as pillars of power—the Mage's Guild and the Aegir Guild of Adventurers. However, the latter's efforts to keep their course untethered from Ascention's political currents mirror the winds that carry them beyond the realm's borders, fostering ties with other distant Realms.   Yet, amidst this intricate dance of influence, the most commanding figure arises—the Divinity Conclave. A tapestry woven from the strands of countless faiths that dot Ascention, this religious enclave stands united in devotion to the primal Gods of Aegir, their power echoing across the Kingdom and beyond.  


  Ascention has perpetually sought to cultivate a more familiar landscape within Aegir, catering to the people drawn to this realm, a stance that often collides with more progressive and isolationist cultures. Recorded as the largest conflict within Aegir's annals, the war between The Kingdom of Ascention and The Onyx Vale occurred in the early days of settling this land. The Vale faced near-eradication, but salvation came in the form of the Veil of Shadows—a barrier that now swathes the majority of Vale's territories in concealment.   Over time, a curious blend of mutual respect and rivalry has woven itself between the inhabitants of Ascention and The Vale. Ascention perceives the Vale as a realm trailing behind, steeped in tribal ways, marked by uncivilized impulsiveness. In contrast, the Vale's view of Ascention casts the latter as an authoritative bastion, inflexible and averse to acceptance.   Amongst the latest chapters of discord, the current trade dispute emerges—a tug of war with the technologically advanced Irranet Empire. Refusing to export their intricate Magitech to the other Kingdoms, the Irranet Empire safeguards the secrets of its production methods and finest innovations, obscuring the path toward a truce.

Shop around in the Cities

  In Ascention's bustling cities, the abundance of Merchant Guilds beckons the curious to uncover rare and potent treasures, and if you chance upon a Mage's Guild branch, the realm's free-flowing magic may unveil unique and enchanting items beyond your wildest dreams.  

Good Kingdoms need to grow!

The reach of Ascention extends over vast expanses, where untamed lands still hold sway. As the Kingdom expands, villages often find themselves in conflict with the wild's denizens—a boon for the Adventurers Guild, ensuring a steady stream of quests in need of valiant souls.


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